Such a pleasant human being aren't you.
When people show a modicum of common sense, you'd be surprised how accommodating I can be. My sympathy started to die a little while ago though if I'm honest, as I'm starting to see how you ended up in this situation in the first place.
Look, I do feel sorry for you but ultimately there is no-one to blame here but yourself. We can, and will, assist you as much as we can as a club, but at some point you're going to have to start taking some of the advice that's being offered.
Either strip the car and sell it, mothball until you've saved enough to fix it, or borrow enough to repair and get it running. Forget courts or big mates, they won't help you.
You could always try and flog it on again and just hope that someone does what you did, i.e. not ask too many questions. I would hope that you wouldn't do that though, nor do I think it's even crossed your mind.
ekona takes some warming to but you get there