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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. StevoD

    Rota 18's....

    for the best usable stance i would aim for 9.5 et15-20 on the front 10.5 et15-20 on the rear but your stock tyre will stretch but look a little pointless unless your poking like this If you want to retain stock tyres run 8.5 front 9.5 rear but your going to want a offset of around 0-15 on the front and an offset of 5-15 in the rear For a 'stanced' look but your gtrd et20 should be fine
  2. Think he needs to join the que poor old grundy cars forgotten it is a car
  3. Such a pleasant human being aren't you. When people show a modicum of common sense, you'd be surprised how accommodating I can be. My sympathy started to die a little while ago though if I'm honest, as I'm starting to see how you ended up in this situation in the first place. Look, I do feel sorry for you but ultimately there is no-one to blame here but yourself. We can, and will, assist you as much as we can as a club, but at some point you're going to have to start taking some of the advice that's being offered. Either strip the car and sell it, mothball until you've saved enough to fix it, or borrow enough to repair and get it running. Forget courts or big mates, they won't help you. You could always try and flog it on again and just hope that someone does what you did, i.e. not ask too many questions. I would hope that you wouldn't do that though, nor do I think it's even crossed your mind. ekona takes some warming to but you get there
  4. StevoD

    Rota 18's....

    yes they will stretch but running stretch for no reason is a bit silly as the gtrs will fit under the arches with out poking out the stretch isnt really needed could run gtr front gtr d rear
  5. always seems to be a black zed ther been cinema 4-5 times over past 3 weeks always there
  6. When you say camber do you mean running negative camber on the rear will make it better?
  7. im running stock Vlsd but going to a 2 way dedman (aliveboy) runs a welder and i have rear cambers arms but not front
  8. Just coilovers and adjustable arms currently stock car is good for drifting docwra Dedman Bizz Little ol me think there is a few more up scotland way who attack Crail but i cant recall there names
  9. He alread has and it says it hasnt had a service since early 2013
  10. This! wasnt there another user who got a Z from a user on here that failed on the way home from purchase? Its just life
  11. i just got an email about this, me and mate did this half day course was good http://local.amazon.co.uk/Milton-Keynes/B00PHD1YXC?src=email&cid=em_dd_mk1_101_uk_s1_&ref_=pe_453791_58623451_auto_vfe_fd
  12. This is my issue for my Volkswagen graduation we all got a driving day at prodrive center each event was about 30minute long well 1 event was drive a lambo i drove a lambo at slow pace for 1 lap rubbish, another event was test out all the VAG cars on the tarmac rally stage, i got to drive a VW transport and about 5-6 other cars flat out around a tarmac rally stag and was egged on to go faster by the instructor Much fun pushing slower car fast than fast car slow
  13. StevoD


    Tarmac does do neo chrome
  14. Could be worse could says Renault
  15. you paid john lewis to deliver it not hermes, there responsible for it contact them
  16. That's the one, Bill Gwynne! Top marks sir! got a few mates a day there for Christmas last year They still havent been
  17. for being such a barge best handling car ive ever had the pleasure to sit in, Guess being a real touring car at one point might have helped that
  18. sorry im wrong its a Cwest not a varis
  19. Everyone has a secret BGW fetish We have got BGW popular Now to move on to Underglow
  20. yea 100% hence why i would rather do the 2 10 lap banger racer one haha
  21. The one in the picture isnt a universal think its a varis very expensive but whats wrong with universal
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