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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Lol ive learnt that would be a bad idea
  2. Nope, sponsored a car for the first couple of legs and didnt get anything we paid for - no vinyls on the car, no banners, no promo girls and more importantly no reply when we chased it up. Fortunately it wasnt a lot of money but it caused me to look a bit further and find these stories which dont exactly inspire confidence - its more the lack of communication/deleting people on FB/not actually bothering to answer any accusations that worries me. Anyone can **** something up but if you dont try to resolve it then it looks very suss IMO. so is it pure rally or your sponsored driver who failed to display stickers or logos?
  3. Docwra did you actually go on it?
  4. Deposit yea I could spend £250 and be dissapointed or i can spend 1k with rico/modball etc and be disappointed Considering All drivers where stuck at a Airport in eastern europe for up to 14 hrs on the gumball then all had to sit n a coach for a day in 2010 shows @*!# can happen anywhere
  5. just going to hope as 2014 was there first they have learnt from mistakes
  6. I don't have the money to run around for for a week in Europe so not a lot of choice And heard mod ball was rubbish I've heard Rico was rubbish and I've heard pure is rubbish I wonder if people expect gumball quality, we will see
  7. i guess your talking from experience of your close encounter together
  8. My exact thoughts. I don't think I'd want to be involved with a company like that, much less someone who has a website littered with mistakes. Still, I like to be proved wrong with things like this, so hopefully you'll have a blast mate it will all be blogged/videoed
  9. Hello Guys im signed up for Pure rally 2015 UK Always wanted to do a rally but never had the time/money to a Europe one I stil need to find a co pilot http://www.purerally.../event/uk-2015/ More info soon Hope the Mods dont mind But Any Forum traders who are interested in being a sponsor for the rally and having there logo on the car for the event please get in contact with me
  10. Number of customers in queue ahead of you:89557 The queue is paused. Status last updated: 21:22:21
  11. Number of customers in queue ahead of you:185009 You can access the website in: 32 minutes Status last updated: 20:58:26
  12. Are you out..standing in your field...... i think ive spotted him on tele
  13. Could you recommend a good potato for Christmas dinner? erm roast
  14. Maybe they didnt use the right primer or any and gave it a different HUE and im sure mixed to order paint at halfords (well mine anyway) dont come in Holtz cans
  15. i love the modern world You broke your neck and as you haven't mentioned it im guessing your not paralysed and in a wheel chair Yet your more worry about how much £££ your deserve rather than the fact you still got a good quality of life. and survived a serious incident.
  16. StevoD

    Bucket Seats

    My corbeau are giving me Nut ache recently
  17. http://www.exedyusa.com/oe/Clutch_Specifications
  18. Hmm ive had a better idea for Christmas presents a model of your own/there car
  19. StevoD

    Rota 18's....

    If your fitted wide wheels they will be heavier anyway but the width of tyre that should go on makes up the handeling diffrence And who wants the same wheel everyone else has
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