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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. StevoD

    Bucket Seats

    You have to sit, then pull them up out of the way What like sling them over your shoulder type thing? group them on top of your thighs youve not got fat boy thighs tho
  2. Hmm even on a drift car looks nasty doesn't look 'professional' I get it on drag cars and some track cars if brand a front is lighter than brand b but when it comes to rear it's the other way round
  3. im guessing by We you must mean your local area, as the north and in recent passed years around east anglia have had upto 6 inches over night which lasted for about 4-6 weeks im up in the North West pal, its so mild around here. Really every winter? Must be the only part of the north that doesn't get ice and snow Also People dont get confused and think winter tyres are just for snow
  4. im guessing by We you must mean your local area, as the north and in recent passed years around east anglia have had upto 6 inches over night which lasted for about 4-6 weeks also in the wet winter tyres have a lot shorter stopping distance than summer tyres
  5. all you need http://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/GB/Muteki_Super_Tuner_Closed_Wheel_Nuts/350z-MutekiSTClosed.aspx
  6. i like to run anything from 235-265
  7. you pay for what you get a bog stock mx5 vs a slightly tuned 200sx, also i know the L2D guys run in BDC i have no idea where the drift limits guys history lie not to say it isnt there tho
  8. as im from royston i did think of popping along but having gone to RMCC stuff before its not worth it, Lots of late 90s hatchbacks with halfords wheels and lots of rev limit bouncing
  9. It will fit just badly Loving the new logo/Sig
  10. Sounds like 350 The more raw hard-core driver focused 350z are the early ones and the later are the soft refined ones
  11. I don't think there bad but it's a lot of money to donut a mx5 L2D seem to be growing and have good feedback
  12. I can't belive this for several reasons lol 1 no mention of mpss 2 r888 in winter is sketchy and ekona doesn't do sketchy 3 toyo even say don't use them in winter (low temperatures) 4 I'm guessing it's a wind up as the Mrs never moves in winter
  13. statistics don't agree do the statistics account for the thousands of times the older person hits a car in a car park and drives off and still haven't realised? No i think they only state youngsters have more 'recorded' accidents
  14. they will look amazing and im guessing they might not be as curbed as you think
  15. you been and seen them in person?
  16. if your on about what i think your on about no unless you send the full wheel to be done but im only aware of 1 company in the USA thats set up for Car parts
  17. Hmm i wonder If a forum 'rally' would work
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