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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. your lucky youve only got 2 some people recon they have 99 and both semi common issue tho
  2. That's the thing, before I got mine, I read numerous threads and responses of people saying 'it's like driving a brand new car' Too many of those comments floating around giving people the wrong impression. I comment on every 'Should I get a remap thread' Although, when I get my new engine, I will be having another remap - Because i need a bigger penis! every thread?
  3. well thats ruined the last half hour #stillnotfish
  4. erm walrus and turtles aint fish
  5. because your one dodgy Mofo
  6. Happy Birthday Pal i was going to try ans make a joke but he has ^^^ covered it all haha
  7. A lightened flywheel makes no difference to bhp/torque number just response. Wouldn't the low mass make the difference between engine hp and hub hp closer than a car without a lightened flywheel seeing as it will take less power to turn a lightened flywheels?
  8. Nope. HP is Horsepower, the preceeding letter is where its measured. WHP @ at the wheels (rolling road dyno) HHP @ at the hubs (chasis dyno - the one at Abbeys) BHP @ at the flywheel (can ONLY be measured if the engine is removed from the car. otherwise its an estimate) *edit. i think i quoted WHP earlier... thats me being lazy. sorry. Abbey dyno is HP at the Hubs, not the wheels. Fair enough seem cars go against all industrial machine in the world which bhp is taken when the engine/motor is under load and HP is what the motor alone produces After doing a little reading the bhp is just a Braked measurement which can be measured at any point so you can get a Braked horsespower output from the fly hubs or wheels, But as you don't just sit on the engine and float down the road the entire car as a machine's bhp output would be at The hubs as it's that that makes the car move so the bhp at the hubs is the important number unless your looking for a penis extension down the pub Guess it depends how you word it My car outputs 300bhp Or my engine outputs 300bhp
  9. i would completely ignore BHP. 248@hubs, 272@hubs correct and accurate figures. if your going to try and be accurate with BHP its not going to work. (23@ hubs isnt the same as 23@fly) If the figures are not BHP then what are they measured in???? Bhp is rating of power at the hubs HP is the rating of power from a motor without any transmission loss
  10. Isnt bhp at the hubs? Hp is at the fly When I was at Abbey I was told allow for 30hp diffrence from the fly to hubs but if you've got a lightened fly there diffrence between bhp and hp should be alot closer than a dual mass
  11. My Michelin pilot thingys, with 245/45/18 on 9.5j look a lot more stretched than your grund Your oem tyres Will fit and look fine I ran the stock sizes on my lmgt4 that where 8.5 front 9.5 rear was fine
  12. Hey if theres picture of Emma Watson it all game Granted in the later years
  13. Ooo not been on there in a while, checking now. i cant wait to see a picture of mine on there
  14. do you want therm to sell them or keep them As on ebay ( granted only single wheels ) 1 sell is selling 1 wheel with tyre for £200 another is japspeed selling a single for £400 from Shane lynchs 2015 car as there a stock wheel and i think there on all 70s ?? then its not like 50 rays where people want to upgrade to them id be talking £800 if you want them to sell
  15. thats was on barry boys recently
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