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Posts posted by StevoD

  1. 86 is a sports car in the same way the mx5/124 are. 


    And tbh the 86 has been a bit of a flop much like the Mustang 


    Sold well in first 6 months then just a trickle I'm yet to see a facelift 86 on the road and they have been out over a year now 

    • Like 1
  2. 49 minutes ago, davey_83 said:

    Yes but it's not flat view from a point of it travelling away over the supposed curve. The fact that ships would sailed out of view would have been one of the key scientific pieces of evidence for a globe hundreds of years ago.


    Today ships that's go over the 'curve' and out of eye sight, can be zoomed staright back into view. Logically you would not be able to do this, had it actually gone over a curve.


    So to recap, we accept images from the ISS are composites from multiple pictures of the earth due to its relative orbit with earth.


    However the initial live feed from Star man just as impressive are actual real footage of the earth in real time? How is this possible?.......



    So your saying if I say the nut on too and lied on the floor with my head against the wheel and a camera I would be able to zoom the nut into view?

  3. 1 hour ago, RickyZ said:

    It does say the normal version will be 2WD, I don't see why they would make the Nismo AWD as it'll just be like a mini GTR?

    Because they are using the q60 as a base 


    So I expect the rwd version wont have an exciting engine 

  4. 4 hours ago, davey_83 said:



    Anyone with a powerful zoom lens can see ships don't tip forward over a curved horizon........ 





    1) a ship is in a fluid so it would be rather hard for it to tip over something that is level, the horizon/curvature of the earth is infinite there is no sudden change 


    2) you must realise how vast the distance is of the horizon that a ship is so small in scale it couldn't tip forward, 


    Is this how you see the planet when people talk about it being a sphere?
     Related image

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  5. 4 hours ago, Ekona said:

    Well it’s not, but it’s less restrictive and my OCD prefers one either side :lol: 

    is it tho MY single is a close as damn it a straight line a tue dual doesnt have the same pleasure.


    and it does seem odd all the time attack boys in the USA seem to run a single not a true dual. 


    not saying it made the power wise but i recall when mouthwash got his car retuned with the Agency power after the supercharger it made a reasonable WHP increase 

  6. 3 hours ago, Ekona said:

    Best? Lightest and least restrictive, so arguably a true dual would be best. 


    However, you’re talking fractions and tbh I’d just get the one you like the look and sound of. By all means spend £2k on a titanium job if you can afford it, but otherwise there’s not a lot in it really. 

    how is a true dual lighter than a single?

  7. Hey everybody,


    Been trying to get y head around a LMT intake kit i got about 2 years ago today. end up talking to the founder of LMT who recommended i do a PCV delete. 


    Just curious what all you Zedders have done for a PCV delete 

  8. 6 minutes ago, davey_83 said:

    Because Jay's flight to HK went over Russia which on the globe model is a massive detour......

    No its not a detour as per Pic its the most direct route,


    The black is the Flight plath posted 


    The Red is the route your saying over turkey








    This is not a globe 



    Image result for map of earth

  9. 3 minutes ago, davey_83 said:

    Or it's called not accepting everything you are told just because it's from "clever people"


    I'm pretty sure no one is falling off anywhere.





    So cant believe in the ice caps (ring in your case) melting then as by your logic this ring of ice is infinite? 

  10. 2 hours ago, davey_83 said:


    So with a plane flight, staying North creates a shorter distance? Yes or No...

    NO, but if you was to fly two planes at the same speed one on the top line and one on the bottom red line the top red line would complete its journey first 


    you ever noticed on a motorway if two cars at locked to 70 mph the car on the inside of a bend pulls ahead. same thing bigger scale


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