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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. There's not one I've had ups and downs with zed related stuff this year But those who I speak to a regular basis and support from people on here have made it worth while I can't call one good moments but I would guess either Trax or Norfolk weekender spending the day drifting with Bizz or maybe just heading down and doing the fueltopia toy run few weeks back then heading further south to see a few good members aka great friends #nohomo
  2. I bet these people have the latest iPhones and tablets to go with there hd smart tv TTechnically anything more than a shed clothes and some food is materialistic
  3. Time on my hands? Ha ha, I guess so. I've been very good and been to the gym and I'm off to the Barbican in a couple of hours so it was either play on the forums or do the ironing and erm, the ironing lost!! It's a bit materialistic .. Showing off that you have an ironing board I know. Sorry. It's a really sporty ironing board too. I can iron ever so fast on it I've got a fast ironing board too always taking it to meets
  4. . I think it is supposed to be
  5. Wasn't marshalls motor group was it
  6. +1 to this. I often suspect people who say otherwise are just trying to justify the compromise to achieve the look they want, or had other issues prior to fitting that are perhaps masked. Each to their own and all that! True but a wider track will give a more stable feedback at the expense of a few nano seconds in 0-60 lost due to spacers It's the same as running a 11j wheel with a 315 tyres it will be slower to the corner but faster round it
  7. If you get the chance put it on a vas5051b diganosic machine go engine function test run threw them and the speaker makes a wale sonar sound
  8. Does it make fake engine noises like other vw with that engine
  9. Sorry But if it's of any intrest I've got a Dacia Logan all this week if you wanna know more
  10. Silly as it sounds but how much would your mum want to rent your old house on your own ?
  11. Awwwwww Don't waste any sympathy on him Why's everyone so mean it's the time of year for joy and loving
  12. I'd love a v60 r design in rebel blue
  13. I bet you get more dings and scratches getting in and out that you ever would parked on the road Well right now on my road is a Punto, with it's front bumper missing and a smashed head light I'll take my chances else where. Why not park it how me and madmikster did haha
  14. StevoD

    Cosmis S1

    Tarmacs ya man
  15. Going to change to job and rent with me then? Get me a job on the same money down there and I'll think about it
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