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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. you join grundy and bizz on team cosmis
  2. a california can be fun as it will pull more clunge
  3. How I see it with all the other things in the past it's happened people complain and top gear do nothing thens been so much promo to prove there innocence I beilive they are, never before have the put so much effort to telling there side of it I seems like a crying wolf scenario so many obvious dig at people the first time they didn't mean it (and had permission from Argentina government to use the car on its plates ). It went wrong and because of the past no-one will accept it was a genuine overlook this time
  4. Didn't that get explained in the first part ? And that wasn't a made up story as it's In one of clarksons books Don't take. It the wrong way codel it does seem your trying your hardest to link it all together like usual Clarkson haters to make it fit
  5. Obviously! But who would notice that very vague number plate reference? The plate was on the car from new so unless top gear planned this multiple years ago... who ? the argentinians, obviously ! Wasn't it a daily mail journo that first started posting it on Twitter trying to spark outrage
  6. But wouldnt changing the plate and driving it around on false plates be illegal? and you cant just buy and ship another car over night
  7. To be honest i would rather watch top gear USA anyday over the UK version now
  8. i do hope that any person driving a car displaying the below isnt muslim (A-Z)77 LDN/ (A-Z)77 LON as that would mean there taking the **** out of the london bombings (A-Z)911 NYC as that would be taking the **** out of the twin towers
  9. Volk Te37 Five Axis s5:f VOLK G2
  10. cheers fodder ill try and figure it out
  11. erm pass did wonder this as we have a new router but i have no idea how to check anything but ive played online with aliveboy just throwing gta on its saying the rockstar network is down but was working fine yesterday so im guessing its networking thing how do i change or set up my nats correctly
  12. ive reset the xbox to factory so im guessing that would have done that?
  13. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP WTF IS THIS FREEZING ABOUT I have uninstall and re install game Started a new career with a new save file Reset Xbox to factory condition http://youtu.be/Im6JEZVzTIE?list=UUE-s3hPTvaaqCr6gfD-kt1g
  14. Yes mate was such a bummer and it sucked as there isnt a great deal you can do to help once something like that happens, although i am now like a red tomato from sitting by your car all afternoon Glad to hear you got home safe and thanks for keeping us updated, Hopeful this will be one of those time which are a blessing in disguise, just hope father Christmas drops off a Ls motor and box with a full sikkys kit for Christmas, Like i say sorry there wasnt anything i could really do to help, and im sure passing you a few times on the track didnt help But also thanks for giving me the jump to start looking for a beaver tail to start transporting mine to and from drift days Well i wasnt far off just the wrong engine
  15. It's mad how it feels like it was years ago it all happened, not in September Yea like you said French lol
  16. It's made how it feels years ago it all happened not September
  17. are you sort of mobile EMP device?! Everything electrical you go near breaks what else have i broke?
  18. anyone else having issue on XBL with horizon 2 i can enter a park lot it just freezes and drops the game BBC iplayer now wont load when going into XBL store non of the thumbnails load
  19. The plates I do genuinely think are a **** up think how much planning must have gone into it to have that plate Right find a v8 sports car with a plate that displays the date and country I can't believe Clarkson or top gear saw the car on eBay or what ever and thought the Falklands war let's go there and make it fit
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