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Everything posted by JoshC

  1. You could be very relaxed knowing they'd do a very good job too! I've got a 2010 and can definitely reccomend spending a little extra if needed to get one as the ipod interface/sat nav that comes with premium connect is very very good!! Did Yianimize mentin any wiating times to book it in?
  2. Only just noticed you mentioned the length of the bulb, very helpful as that's what I've been stuck on while looking for some just now! Thanks very much
  3. Cheers, will have a read through now Hmmm, I may go for the cree one's then! I've had a couple of eBay cheapies all round and they're a bit hit and miss! Some have been fine but the connectors on others seem to have gone already so they just don't work My sidelights, number plate lights, vanity mirror lights, interior lights and boot light were all off eBay and been in a year without problem but as you say it's hit and miss, Cree have a good rep Yeah I've had eBay one's in the 350 and other cars and never a problem, most of the one's on the 370 are still fine but 1 number plate and 1 sidelight (very annoying) have gone
  4. Yiannimize always has a massive waiting list unfortunately but will still be interesting to see what both quote you
  5. Hmmm, I may go for the cree one's then! I've had a couple of eBay cheapies all round and they're a bit hit and miss! Some have been fine but the connectors on others seem to have gone already so they just don't work
  6. They'll be fine Josh, very similar to what I have fitted Cheers mate, may have a go of them then, was just a bit worried about the length of the actual bulb as I'm sure I've heard someone had probnlems with that? Not sure if these would b better though? http://www.lightec-autostyle.co.uk/high-power-cree-xenon-white-sidelight-bulbs-p-243.html Just looking for something as close as possible to the colour of the xenons and as bright as possible!
  7. Yeah you can get pretty much anything, satin and matte seemed to be the most popular when wrapping really took off but you can get gloss, metallic, chrome, pearlescent etc... Check out Yiannimize on Twitter etc, he does mostly supercars but a lot of people just go for a regular colour wrap mainly to protect the paint and you wouldn't know that it was paint tbh!
  8. I was considering the same when looking at Z4's (was looking at them becuase couldn't find any 370's anywhere near me), in the end got lucky and a Le Mans Blue 370 came up 2 mles down the road Anyway, I had 2 quotes on a Z4 to wrap it of around £1400, from South Wales Auto Wrap and Yianimize (probably the most renowned wrappers i the UK) so £2700 seems very very steep. Can't imagine the colour would make that much difference as my quote was for a pearlecsent and as far as I know the only colours that are far more expensive are chrome one's. Anyway, theres pros and cons of both. If you wrap then the paintwork underneath is going to be protected and you also end up with an individual colour that you chose. Cons are that you probably won't get any of the money back at sale time and if it's a 'marmite' colour you may even struggle to sell it without taking it off. If you can get a real bargain, say a few £K under then I'd go for it, if there's not much money being saved then I'd wait.
  9. Does anyone know if these will fit? http://www.ultraleds.co.uk/501-194-t10-anti-bulb-warning-xenon-white-wide-angle-25-leds.html The cheapies I bought off eBay have gone already as the connectors seem to be a bit fragile and keep bending!
  10. Cheers all! How much should I be looking to pay for 4 wheel alignment then? £40 about the going rate? And what's the difference between that and tracking? If any?
  11. Cheers all! Think I'll pop down to euro car parts and grab some now then!
  12. Forgot the link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/21-19-Bosch-Aerotwin-Front-Windscreen-Wiper-Blades-Aero-Flat-Genuine-New-Part-/310789682965?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item485c823715
  13. Thread revival! Looking to replace my front wipers now, about to buy these on eBay as they are the correct size I believe (21 & 19"?) but the vehicle selector on the listing says they are not suitable for the 370? Am I missing something?
  14. What he said. I think I'm just gonna let them bin it for me, too much hassle to pick it up and then annoy my parents by asking them to keep it in thier shed!
  15. I've sent the money across for the starter button so consider it sold! Haha!
  16. Okay cheers both! I have some space to keep it but don't think it'll fit in my car! So if I can get someone to pick it up or me I might do but probably not bothered if I can't then!
  17. Just a quick one, had my custom exhaust fitted this week and just wondering if it's worth me picking up and keeping the old one? I know it's not worth much but will it be easier to sell the car in the future with it?
  18. Haha yeah still not for round to it Need to pinch my mates socket set, not got any of my own! Did get my custom exhaust fitted today by Charlie @ Prospeed in Cardiff! Sounds spot on for what I was after, will get a vid up at some point
  19. Dibs on the button if it's not gone yet! Will PM you now!
  20. Tbh, with this weather and given my recent accident in similar conditions I Haven't really been pushing the car much cornering wise so not noticed a huge difference atm! Gixxer may be able to shed some more light on that though!
  21. Yeah, that angle is probably a better shot to show it tbf! Just fill the arches spot on! Lowering would be next on my list but there's temporary speedbumps where I live at the moment and the front plastic spoiler already cathes on that and given that the same humps ripped 2 holes in my lowered 350's exhaust I'm afraid top do it on this one
  22. Another little mod, got my spacers on 25/20mm rear/front. Doesn't show up all that well in pics and too 99% of people they will never notice but keeps me happy becuase the wheels now fill the arches perfectly Before; After; Problem now is that I can help but want to lower it everytime I look at it
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