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Everything posted by redalfa69

  1. Set of original Nissan supplied alloys for my 350z, 54 plate, which I have owned from new. Front wheels professionally refurbished approximately 2 years ago and with Potenzas...some miles left. Rear without tyres and original. Small crack in the hub on the inside of the rim...perhaps 10mm in size. Few kerb marks but not bad for 8 plus years. Looking for £100 only. Collect from North West. Previously on her in January but did't sell and been in my garage since.
  2. I must be one of the ones putting up the average...just about to go to 98,000 miles. Still original clutch. Had car from new and used for work...commuter and longer travel for 7 years (54 plate) and more casual mileage the last 3 years. Stuck on the M25 recently and clutch was beginning to "judder" so guessing it is not long for this world...but it seems i cant complain!!!
  3. Thanks to the later replies...which makes me feel a little better for "trying my best" to comply with the site rules...without upsetting (that didn't work!!) the Z experts.
  4. Set of original Nissan supplied alloys for my 350z, 54 plate, which I have owned from new. Front wheels professionally refurbished approximately 2 years ago and with Potenzas...some miles left. Rear without tyres and original. Small crack in the hub on the inside of the rim...perhaps 10mm in size. Few kerb marks but not bad for 8 plus years. Looking for £100 only. Collect from North West.
  5. redalfa69

    Brake Discs

    Will need new discs for my 54 plate 350z soon. I saw an earlier thread from last year but was confused over the various discs available? Were the discs originally supplied from Brembo as with the callipers? Either way any help on the best replacement would be great.
  6. Bought some second hand Rays Alloys and the front wheels had on some nearly new Nexen tyres. I can't wait until they wear out and I can get back to the more expensive Potenzas. Cannot say I notice any appreciable difficulty in handling...but much more road noise...grrr.
  7. Tom was working in the garden this weekend and his wife was upstairs, about to take a shower. Tom realised that he couldn't find the rake and yelled up to his wife "Where is the rake?" She couldn't really hear him and shouted back "What?" He pointed to his eye, then he pointed to his knee and made a raking motion. His wife was a bit puzzled and again said "What?" He repeated the gestures. "Eye - Kneed - The Rake" His wife indicated that she understood and signalled back. She first pointed to her eye, next she pointed to her left breast, then she pointed to her backside and finally to her crotch. Well, there was no way in hell Tom could even come close to that one. Exasperated, he went upstairs and asked her "What the hell was that?" She replied... "Eye - Left Tit - Behind - The Bush"
  8. Didn't have digital cameras in 1986 or I would be able to post hundreds!!!
  9. Sorry...was just trying to reach the "15 posts" rule...by posting something I could talk about. I know its a 350z site..and I love mine to bits...having had it 8 years plus...but I don't think I have anything to say about it that will be of particular interest. I have some 350z Alloys for sale and the rules say "15 posts" minimum.. I did comment to a colleague of yours that it might mean me posting "trivia" but the response i got was basically "them is the rules"..paraphrasing I know. So what is a person to do?
  10. Given my username...you can probably guess what colour it was!!! My first "real" car...3 year old...and still have very fond memories...despite the rust...the electrics...doing core plugs for fun...etc. Any others out there had the joy of a sud?
  11. Gangzoom...I agree with the sentiments entirely. I loved mine to bits...did have air con...central locking and a radio!!!
  12. To be fair approx £4k for a decent DC2 is not bad for a decent road usable "track day" car which would put a huge smile on most peoples faces!!!
  13. Always found the cabin in the S2000 a little cramped for my liking.
  14. Both nice cars...driven the DC2...a bit more refined...if that is possible for a Type-R...but just not as much fun as the original...despite the noise..etc..
  15. Prior to the 350z I currently have...was lucky enough to have an original Type-R. Love the 350, comfort, grunt and looks...but the handling on the Type-R was phenomenal...as was the seats. Even thinking of buying one again...should have kept my old one!!! Anyone else had both cars...or am I the only one?
  16. Recently replaced the drop link arm bushes on 54 plate 350z. Cured the rumble. However there is a "knocking" when on rough roads or going over bumps (most roads then!!). Does not seem to be any play in wheels so unlikely to be bearings. Any one any ideas? Might it be bushes on the anti-roll bar itself. Car has done approx. 95k miles.
  17. redalfa69

    Alloy Wheels

    About to fit a new tyre to a standard 350z alloy when noticed a small crack in the rim (inside). Anyone know where I can get a single rim to match...other than paying the frankly "Highway Robber" price from Nissan Parts.
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