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Everything posted by Commander

  1. Hi Chaps, I've no real desire to have my Mrs in the car this weekend with us yelling "Up" and "Down" at each other while I change my brake hoses and fluid so I want to get a pressurised 'one-man' system. Two questions; 1 - Have you used one and what was your experience? 2 - It seems different kits support different diameter reservoir caps - any idea what size the one on a 350 HR is? Cheers.
  2. A good proportion of the guys in F1 are extremely fit - running marathons, triathlons, Iron Man, etc...
  3. Just done mine this evening... And the disks... Dead easy and you don't need many tools - axle stand, breaker bar, 22mm socket, 10mm spanner, some pliars, job done!
  4. They crap in the woods though so I'm sure the road will be fine!
  5. Sorry - no idea. But sticking it in the paint section probably isn't the best place though
  6. Most horses and riders ARE insured. They don't have to be by law, but most people don't take the risk as they know they can't afford the vets / repair / legal / hospital bills if something goes wrong. Horse crap isn't a fine like dog crap because it won't ruin your life. Horse crap isn't a fine / sentence like litter because it rots away and isn't killing wildlife or damaging the environment. There have been a few comments about having to dodge horse crap when driving a car / riding a bike. If you dodge crap and crash, you were going too fast, no sympathy. If you don't dodge, hit the crap and crash, you were going too fast, no sympathy. If you don't dodge, hit the crap and are complaining about cleaning your car, you need to get a life... Sh1t happens! Edited: Fixed typo.
  7. "Your" road? Not sure about that... Find me a horse owner that isn't paying road tax on a car and I'll be impressed... They're probably paying more tax than you as well. "Don't care if you **** off the horse crowd" - Nice - how very public spirited of you. You doing donuts in a field with horses in is probably about as damaging as somebody spraying your car in brake-fluid, and I'm sure you wouldn't like that... would you? We're all on this little island together and it's too small for intolerant attitudes like this. Grow up. Problem is there will be horse riders who think they own the road and can do as they will there is (alot) of cyclists who think they own the road and can do as they please until it all stops this attitude will be the same its a human thing, Makes me think of monday when all walking from the tour de france maybe 1-2000 people walking up the A505 and i heard a few cyclist discussing how all the people walking side by side a closed off road was its making hard to cycle and that the people should keep to the paths and i thought pot kettle black comes to mind Yep, it's all about tolerance.... Anybody who's doing anything, anywhere doesn't like it when something or somebody else gets in the way unexpectedly and they have to change what they were doing... Just got to deal with it and move on, regardless of whether you're a driver, rider, walker, skipper, dancer!
  8. "Your" road? Not sure about that... Find me a horse owner that isn't paying road tax on a car and I'll be impressed... They're probably paying more tax than you as well. "Don't care if you **** off the horse crowd" - Nice - how very public spirited of you. You doing donuts in a field with horses in is probably about as damaging as somebody spraying your car in brake-fluid, and I'm sure you wouldn't like that... would you? We're all on this little island together and it's too small for intolerant attitudes like this. Grow up.
  9. ^^ This - spot on. Dog crap ruins lives, horse crap doesn't.
  10. E90 M3 - 414 BHP Standard
  11. Good shout - hadn't considered border delays - thanks Ekona.
  12. Hah, I'd love to but one of the guys is mad keen on 'ticking off' as many countries as possible... Hopefully we'll only be there for 5 minutes!
  13. Euro Roadtrip plans are now finalised, and I can't wait!! I think we've managed to cram in quite a lot to our trip, and the mix of places we're staying (from tiny farmhouses in the middle of nowhere, to hotels in big cities) should keep things interesting away from the driving. We've committed ourselves to taking more photos this year too; although we got quite a few nice shots on our 2013 trip, the consensus is that a few more photo stops wouldn't be a bad thing. The list of cars coming has changed a bit too since my first post, and certainly since our 2013 trip. We now have; 350z (350z HR GT, This time with HFCs, UpRev, brand new MPSS and new brakes. Possibly also add a new exhaust too, but we'll see...) Lotus Elise - Resprayed from Silver to Electric blue and with the original engine and transmission replaced with a Honda VTEC setup. I think it'll be doing something like 250BHP, in a car that weighs 800Kg... It'll have all new shocks and springs added too. E46 M3 - No changes RX8 - Now with a cat fitted that works, and with a new exhaust to go on. Audi A3 - New. MX5 - No longer coming And here's the plan... Saturday - 24Hr Ferry from Portsmouth to Santander Sunday - Santander to Biescas via Pamplona - Lots of twisty roads and nice scenery https://mapsengine.g...78.kkLSnHuMuQMk Monday - Biescas to Fornells de la Muntanya via N260, and a quick detour to Andorra - Lots and lots of twisty roads and very nice scenary https://mapsengine.g...78.kuJHzd0bTYZs Tuesday - Fornells de la Muntanya to Nice - nice start to the day, then slog along m-way to Nice. Visit Monaco in the evening. https://mapsengine.g...78.kG8fEsnCmEug Wednesday - Nice to Saint Etienna de Cuines via Route Napoleon https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=znkYi6G2lv-A.kLG9ZrODYxqA Thursday - Saint Etienna de Cuines to Fiesch via so many awesome mountain passes I'm not going to list them! https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zn-M1lT-xp78.k2ZuRFXjxirM Friday - Fiesch to Strasbourg via even more mountain passes https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zn-M1lT-xp78.k0zk922uNfFk Saturday - Strasbourg to the Nurburgring via a couple of German national parks https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=znkYi6G2lv-A.kEQVnhZzLC1Y Sunday - Ring Taxi, Suzuki Swift Rental, EuroTunnel, Home, Sleeeeeep Edited: Typo Edited: Small update to route
  14. Commander

    Brake judder

    What state are your disks and pads in? Anything too worn? Lips on disks? Any pistons ceased? Any uneven wear?
  15. Hi mate, your Inbox is full I think... Was it an HR Zed you're breaking? Or DE? If HR and the Gearbox is still available, what sort of miles are on it and what price if I come to collect? Cheers,
  16. So have you had it dyno'd yet since the port / polish? How did it do?
  17. Thanks... That's better than the 1400 I've just been quoted!
  18. I might be wrong, but I think all of the above will sell me a second-hand box that hasn't even been inspected internally, let alone had a refurb or come with a warranty? I'll PM them and find out, but if I'm going through the trouble of swapping a box over, I want to be certain the new one is a good'un!
  19. Can't say I'll buy anything like 100SqM, but got any photos?
  20. Did you build the small RC version on the left too?
  21. Who does them? Where? How much? 6th gear has crunched its self a few times now (HR Manual) and second is getting harder to engage when cold. I want to nip this in the bud quickly and get a reconditioned one installed before it starts spitting cogs and shafts out. Any recommendations please? Thanks!
  22. Jeez, some of you are listing 30+ vehicles... Do you only own them for 6 months at a time?... Or are lots of you 85+ years old?! Just don't understand how you can get through so many vehicles?... It'd be interesting to see some of these lists updated with things like length of ownership / reason for getting rid / money lost during ownership...
  23. But the question everybody wants to know the answer to is.... Does it make more power?!
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