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Everything posted by Commander

  1. I have an 07 HR with HFCs, Milltek cat-back zorst and panel filters - had it UpRev'd by Jez and Horsham about 2 years ago. First dyno was ~305 and we finished at ~320. He also took off the 1st / 2nd gear limiters and made some tweaks to how it drives at low speeds. I don't really notice any of that now as it's all just normal for me now, but at the time I remember being happy with the difference it made. It wasn't night and day though, more like 7pm-to-8pm on a Summer's evening
  2. Nice to see a few other IT Geeks kicking around. A bit o/t, but I design Cisco Wireless networks for large enterprises, hospitals, universities, etc... on behalf of BT. Passed my CCIE Wireless written exam ages ago but never got round to doing the lab. Anyway - back on topic - mGig won't be consumer grade for a while yet I reckon, there's just no need for 10G in the house because your Internet Connection, TV, Laptop, Console, SAN, etc.. just isn't that fast. Stick with a 1G switch for now, and remember that not all switches were born equal - just because it says 1G on the box, doesn't really mean much. Half duplex or full? 1G = Total BW across the whole switch (bad!), or can every port do 1G simultaneously (brilliant!)? How does packet size impact performance? How do any security features you turn on impact performance? Etc... You generally get what you pay for with switches, so if you want something decent, get your wallet out. (Or at least look up some performance comparisons for things your considering so you can better understand what's what.)
  3. Why bother with all the wires? It's all about 802.11AC - just run a few wires, shove in some 11AC APs on 80/160MHz channels an the WiFi will be much faster than your broadband.
  4. First couple of mins of the film 'Junior'. Parked on the street outside the house.
  5. Report him to the HSE. Fork lifts are dangerous at the best of times. Reckless.
  6. At 370BHP it will certainly be quicker than my e46 M3 in a straight line. My e46 is a fair bit lighter and more agile than when you had a few laps in it so I fancy my chances on a 0-60, or anywhere with corners, but after that it's hard to argue with 370bhp VS 340bhp... Nice bit of kit.
  7. I like it - looks a lot less lardy than the current one.
  8. DE or HR? I've got a pair of HR OEM cats sat in my garage doing nothing... Make me an offer I can't refuse?!
  9. Eugh, yeah, I forgot about that... a RIGHT pain!
  10. zeppo just hijacked it... OP = HR Zeppo = DE
  11. ^^ On a HR? Pretty sure I ended up having to remove both sets of intakes...
  12. 20 minutes per side? Jesus, it takes me that long to get all the tools out. Budget a few hours start to finish if this is your first time and your doing it on your own. You'll need about 2.5 - 3ft of extensions. 1/2" ones too, anything smaller and you'll probably snap it. Running order for the job is; Dismantle fair chunk of engine bay so you can access a couple of the nuts jack up penetrating fluid undo all (10?) bolts - most from underneath, a couple from the top remove old cats fit new hfcs tighten bolts re-assemble engine bay drop down to floor quick test - anything blowing? put tools away drive - enjoy the sound
  13. Me too! No It was a pretty 'clean' cut though. The Vet reckons probably a nail sticking out of a fence and that she caught herself on it while jumping.
  14. Monty's home - all stitched up and seemingly high on ketamine (if the itemised vets bill and her weird meows are anything to go by). Shouldn't be any long lasting damage, aside from to the wallet if Tesco don't pay up... £715! Should have been a vet - they know how to make money! Main thing is that she's back in one piece though... Now we've just got to watch her slowly go crazy stuck inside for the next 10 days... time to buy some new batteries for the laser pen!
  15. Commander

    Brake Fade

    RS29s, SS pipes and RBF 600 will work all day, let alone just three hot laps, this is exactly what I run on my track car.
  16. I'm 31, with a busted knee and too tall for my own good. None of that's gonna make me give up low-slung sports cars, despite how ridiculous I look getting in / out of it because I enjoy them. Do what's right for you and sod what anybody else thinks about your car choices.
  17. Well, I was down the vets at about 11pm last night with our Cat, Monty. Poor bugger ripped herself open and had a 2.5 - 3 inch open wound on the underside of her chest - went right down to the muscles :-/ Gonna collect her later today now she's been stitched up. £600 was the estimate last night - Tesco Pet Insurance to the rescue (hopefully!)
  18. ^^ Skidder - Jesus! Sounds horrific, glad you're on the mend.
  19. Well the saga continues. Knee is up to feeling about 65% better, which is pretty crap considering it has been 2.5months now :-/ Off for an MRI in two weeks time - doc isn't sure if it'll heal on its own or need surgery, but reckons I've done my inner medial ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, the ligament that connect quads to knee cap, and possibly cartilage as well. Doesn't leave much left working really!
  20. FML, working on a car with a busted knee is a pain. The front end is all back together now, minus the air con, and with new coolant. Aux belt needs doing too, but that'll have to wait cos I don't have a spare. Inside the cab I've yanked the dash out again but removing the remaining air con bits is a pain as they're buried under mountains of other crap. Ended up getting distracted and just pulled out some more noise insulation I found. The joys of a double garage though, mean I'm giving up for today and the cab can stay in pieces until tomorrow.
  21. Decent power, RWD, DD is the requirement. I'm also about 6ft 4 and I don't fit in small things; Boxster and S2K I know I don't fit it in, for example. 335 is interesting, diesel and petrol, but I'll only end up wishing I bought an E90 M3... but they're still a bit expensive at the mo fwiw. Can probably get a cheap M5, and they are very tempting, but I'm petrified about the maintenance costs, lol. Won't stretch to an M6
  22. ~17k doesn't get you much else that's fun. (I don't fit in a boxster, never tried a cayman and don't much fancy a high miler) Suggestions?
  23. These are getting pretty cheap now and I'm getting bored of my 350HR. What's the main differences with face lifts, special editions, trim levels, manual vs auto, etc? And is the ride quality any better? (loads of bumpy b-roads where i live)
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