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Everything posted by Commander

  1. Take the cash, run an Infiniti G35/37. Don't bother getting a company car, you'll just end up paying loads of tax if you want anything even remotely fun.
  2. That's not a Donk; this is a Donk!
  3. Question is - will you be taking all the aids off and driving it properly, or will you just let the Nissan's black magic do all the work for you? ;-p
  4. Lots of jumping to conclusions about DTV here. Nobody has mentioned going out and giving the brakes a good thrashing to ensure the problem isn't just related to build-up... if you're just driving the car on a boring commute to work and the shops and never getting any real heat in to the brakes, I'd start with this before spending money on skimming.
  5. This has car crash written all over it! Be careful... (and remember you have to use all the revs in the M to make it go - they're happiest when being thrashed )
  6. I own both - e46 smg is stripped out for track days (and now even louder and faster than when I took Brillo out in it) and I have a HR manual coupe as my daily and for Euro Road Trips. All in all there's nothing in it really - the M3 is faster and more practical, but to all intents and purposes there's nothing in it. Yes, stock M3 brakes are crap and the boot might fall off and it looks like a 3-series, but none-Brembo Z brakes are crap too, the stock zorst noise is crap, boot space is tiny, it's missing some seats and you spend all your time telling people "Yes, it's a Nissan". Both bloody good cars in their own way - anything else is just splitting hairs.
  7. Bradders, it's "you're", and you know better than to feed the Troll / Ekona. As for most terrorist organisations being Muslim, not sure, Christians are up there with them I reckon. Plenty of organisations knocking around over the years, especially in Ireland, Spain, Eastern Med, etc... And if you think ISIS is bad, check out some of the stuff that happened during the crusades! Back on topic though, it's a sad day, again, when people are bombing tourists. I wish humans were better to each other.
  8. One of my mates is based at Marham and involved in running this. It's an airfield - what can you say?... BRILLIANT if you want to see how fast you can go down the runway and/or if if you want somewhere really safe with miiiiiles of run off if in the twistier bits. Cheap and for charity too - happy days.
  9. So has anybody had the ££ to Stroke AND charge a Z?
  10. The brakes are dead easy to work on and you can get disks and pads from ECP all day long for them.
  11. The brakes are dead easy to work on and you can get disks and pads from ECP all day long for them.
  12. From Google, but believe this is what you need; bt.custhelp.com Call us Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm Saturday 9am to 6pm Sunday Closed Please have your account number ready (it’s on your bill). From a landline: 0800 800 150 From a mobile: 0330 1234 150* From abroad: +44 179 359 6931**
  13. I'm about to pull the trigger on one of these - https://www.breitling.com/en/news/details/colt-chronograph-automatic-3371 She gets a diamond ring - I get a Breitling Automatic
  14. Fake, Real, Fake? (I'm no watch expert!)
  15. This is a disappointingly narrow-minded view. Your posts are normally very well thought out and agreeable, but in this case I must disagree. Things can be too big and you can have too much of a good thing - look at what happened to the banks. Imagine what would happen to UK Football if Sky stopped pumping billions of pounds a year in to it because it went bust unexpectedly... All those big expensive PL clubs and expensive players they employ would be gone in a heartbeat - then what would the footy fans watch? Sunday League?
  16. In the short term, you're not much better off at all. In the long term though, without competition, what forces Sky to keep putting out high quality content or what prevents them from deciding they want to up the prices to £100 / month? The answer is 'nothing', and if this happens nobody will be happy. Do you think BT would have bothered investing in faster Broadband services if they didn't have to allow others to use its network or if Virgin Media didn't exist to compete against? Probably not. Would Microsoft be giving away Windows 10 for peanuts (free?) if they weren't under so much pressure from Apple and Android? No chance... competition is good. Sure, you're losing a little bit of convenience and incurring a little bit of additional expense for those who only want Sport on Sky, but with the added benefit of BT's presence in the marketplace forcing Sky to try to do even better than they do already, I see it as a long term good thing for everybody because in the long term, competition drives up quality and drives down cost. - As for the OP's comment on post #23 - Yeah, seems a bit crap. Send a mail off to the MD and complain - or threaten to leave BT entirely - somebody somewhere will usually see sense and offer you something better.
  17. Factually the first sentence is correct, but I fail to see what that has to do with the discussion about TV pricing and rights ownership? BT can't abuse its position with the Internet because of the way its regulated now, and it doesn't have a dominant position with TV because of Sky which is nigh on totally unregulated and the playing field is very uneven. People are happy to pay £50+ / month to Sky for sports and nobody complains. BT comes along with 4k HD, creates a lot of its own content (Clare Balding show, hires lots of commentators, etc etc), and charges peanuts in comparison to Sky, but this isn't seen as good? Sounds like you actually WANT Sky to have a TV monopoly? Competition is a good thing.
  18. You realise that that's not BT's fault, and that's exactly what Sky did with the PL to terrestrial TV? No-one's holding anyone hostage, it's a free market and you can choose to pay or not. I choose not to. If you have the internet, there's no need to pay BT to watch CL football. It's out there, you just need to know where to google. I'm not a fan of Murdcohm but that's not quite fair on Sky, the football was worth peanuts back then and only just starting to go mainstream off the back of Italia 90. They turned it into this "product" when no one else was that interested. Also they were a genuine market new entrant. BT (as it is now) aren't the same as Sky was then, BT have a stranglehold on infrastructure, which they didn't have to pay to install in the first place, it was paid for by the people. This has put them in an artificially strong position and gives them the clout to win the rights, not becuase they have a vision, or because they are offering something different or innovative, simply becuase they can name their price on line rental for most ot the UK (even if some people notionally pay line rental to other providers, they then pass it on to BT). It's a borderline anti-competitive position that has allowed them to break it up. If you look at OnDigital or Setanta, who had to get into the football the hard way, they've sunk without a trace, becuase they don't have the cash cow BT has and offered a less good product than Sky. That's not fair on BT. Yes, BT owns and operates a huge amount of the UK's network infrastructure, but this is heavily regulated by the government and that's why there is so much competition in the UK ISP space... BT also cannot, by law, use all that network infrastructure to its advantage nor is it allowed to use the profits from that part of the business to compete in different industries, like against SkyTV, for example. All of this regulation is good for all of us consumers because it provides a competitive marketplace and we all benefit from that. All of that infrastructure is owned and operated by BT OpenReach and even I, as a BT Employee, have no greater access to OpenReach than a competitor like Vodafone, Sky, etc. Compare this to Sky, who have an unregulated strangle hold on so much of our TV, from sports to entertainment. Even Virgin struggle against Sky and they're a very established player - remember when Sky pulled Sky1 from Virgin/NTL just because they wanted to charge people even more for Sky Atlantic? Do you think BT could get away with the equivalent of this as an ISP? No chance. Even BT, with all of its money, still couldn't out-bid Sky for PL coverage and so BT spent £900m+ for all of about 20% of the PL coverage. The UK TV market is far from fair or competitive and BT is actually trying to improve things for the UK TV market, but it's not going to happen quickly, or easily, unless somebody forces Sky to play fair.
  19. You coming then? My bro is going in his e36 too.
  20. I'm booked on for this in my E46 M3. Never been to Silverstone before and at £200 for the day (instead of the usual £350+) I'm going to give it a crack. Anybody else going?
  21. I'm booked on for this in my E46 M3. You don't get many days at Thruxton and as it's not silly expensive either (£180, iirc) it's worth a go I reckon... looks a very fast circuit! Anybody else going?
  22. Cheers all. Funnily enough the issues of kids and practical cars came up today... :-/ But on the plus side so long as it has 4 doors and a boot, I'm allowed it - m3, Supercharged Range Rover, XF R, m5, etc... Best get saving before she spends it all! On another plus side, I'm allowed an engagement watch too - Breitling it is!
  23. Cheers everyone - the Z, M3, and my love of car programs on the TV are all part of the deal! As for winky, time will tell, but so far so good - morning sex is back on the menu - wahey!
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