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Everything posted by Commander

  1. You have to take the wheel off to change the battery, lol, and the bloke isn't prepared to do that. Sounds to me like the alternator might be on its way out too based on what he was saying.
  2. Oh the irony... Took half a day off work, spent two hours on a train and paid for test drive insurance... he calls me up saying sorry - it's got a bust battery. FOR FUX SAKE!!!
  3. Having sold the M3 the money is burning a hole in my pocket; currently on a train to go look at a Mk1 4.0 TVR Tuscan, in purple. 7 owners but that's quite common for these - seems to have a decent service history, including a rebuild about 10k ago and verified by talking to the builder that did it. Forgot how much I hate public transport! Hope it's not a rotter - neither a return trip on the train, nor a 7k engine rebuild, particularly appeal!
  4. Can't say I've ever had clinically diagnosed depression, but I certainly have better weeks/months and worse ones when it comes to my mood and mentality. Talking, Time, Exercise and Acceptance (the latter being the hardest by far) seem to get me by. I think this is normal life for most people. I have some friends and ex-partners who have life long depression issues. Counselling, drugs, exercise and time seem to help them. I'm no doctor, but you should probably go see one (or a councillor) for advice. Well done for opening up about it too - acknowledging there's a problem and talking about it often seems to be the first critical step in the healing process.
  5. Sounds like they saw him coming!
  6. I suppose you could knock a few quid off that too... maybe get it for £25k? I need to get saving!
  7. http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/maserati/granturismo/maserati-granturismo-4-2-2dr/5618332?v=b
  8. Probably go ride the Mrs' horse for a bit, cut the grass, BBQ. Hot Tub is already out and up to temp. Beer!
  9. FML - Everybody else is thinking it so I'll ask... How did you save up 270k for your first house working in retail?!
  10. Commander


    Love the WOT rasp
  11. physics is your friend... use a longer breaker bar!
  12. Commander


    Assuming you have standard cats at the moment... A bit more power after you remap it. More noise Throttle response will improve with a remap. Assuming you get something decent like CNT or Berks, you'll be fine with MOT. I have CNT on mine and MOT is never an issue.
  13. Yep, I bought the front hubs for my HR from that exact same outfit... Probably three years and somewhere around 30k miles ago - fitted them myself. I've done a lot of miles on motorways, the awful b-roads where I live, and a couple of trips around the alps on them - all without any issues whatsoever. Enjoy!
  14. I got mine from here for about £250 / pair. http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/shop4you?_trksid=p2047675.l2559 Fitted myself a couple of years and tens of thousands of miles ago - no issues at all.
  15. TVR Tuscan! £18k upwards, 300hp, 1050kg, beautiful from every viewpoint, targa top, cheap to tax, has more boot space than a Zed and they have a lot of exhaust options ranging from subtle to mental. I was in one of these last weekend and the amount of attention they get is phenomenal!
  16. Take your boot carpet and spare wheel out - dubious legality, but it'd probably give you a lot of room.
  17. ... by posting up some pics for us all to gork at?
  18. Time to buy a TVR... Car's up for sale; https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/331833175972
  19. Not fussed which engine, it'll be one of the AJP V8s though, not gonna touch a Speed6 with a barge pole! Seems there's not much real world difference between the 4.2 and the 4.5, bar the 4.5s being a lot rarer. I prefer the newer headlights, though I won't say no to an older one if everything else is right. I really want a brightly coloured one with a bonkers interior
  20. Full Livery, so we're paying some other poor sap to do all the mucking out, turning out, etc. She's pretty level headed so don't think she'll turn in to one of 'those' horsey types... Hopefully! Dread to think which is going to cost more to run... At least I'm handy with the spammers and a multimeter so I 'should' be able to keep it running; I can't see the Mrs fixing her horse if it breaks down!
  21. So I'm selling the M3 and buying a TVR Cerbera - I've convinced her that it's only fair :-) Woo! I'll get to ride the horse every now and then (I'm not bad), but no way she's driving the Cerb!
  22. Thanks, presume it was your data i saw somewhere Possibly... all mine is in my M3 Track Car thread. Harry's is 'ok' for collecting the data, but phones only tend to work at 1Hz - if you want to do any proper detailed stuff (like comparing your 'exact' braking points or lines through corners across multiple laps), you need to get some better HW that works at 10Hz. Harry's is also quite bad at analysing the data you collect - all the stuff in my thread was produced using software by 'Racelogic' using data fed to it by Harry's. It's free too, iirc.
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