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Posts posted by MrChow

  1. Gents,


    You may wish to consider some of our trusted Traders on here, who may be able to provide Z mats.


    If I remember correctly Zmanalex and/or Clark Motorsport were offering these some while ago.


    Hope this helps.


    If I remember correctly Zmanalex and/or Clark Motorsport were offering these some while ago.


    Haven't seen Zmanalex on here for a while.

  2. Torque wrenches are easy to use mate, they're basically like using a socket set that doesn't let you 'Over tighten' the bolt. Instead you hear a 'click' when it's tightened to the right torque. Find out what this is first...

    As for the plenum, I removed mine the other week. Piece of cake. Don't rush it, if in doubt lay all the bolts out in the order you've removed them in. Try getting a magnetic tray instead of putting them in the scuttle panel like I did.

    If your cars got a plenum spacer in, there will be spacers underneath the strut bar, be careful when taking the bolts out for this because the spacers could slip down inside the engine bay, and if they're alloy like mine were, a magnet won't help.

    Also. Remember to plug the MAF sensor back in afterwards...

  3. Thanks fellas.

    You shouldn't need VHT paint for plenum, its get hot but not that hot, just a degrease and a good clean should do it.

    What's VHT paint?


    Very High Temperature


    Oh yeah, Duh... :/

    Very easy mod to do MrChow, ...most have already described how to do it above. ;)


    My thread from when I did mine just to give you an idea: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/85949-thanks-lyndzzz-carling-plenum-painted/

    GM I read your thread the other day and saw what you done to your plenum and it gave me the inspiration to do mine

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  4. I know a few of you have painted your plenum (not a euphemism) :D, just want to get on idea of your process in the prep work, best paint to use and colours?

    I'm thinking a matt black to match the plastic cover, but i'm open to suggestions.

    ALSO, im toying with the idea of carbon wrapping the said plastic cover... thoughts please?

  5. Right, so after some recommendations on here ive just booked the Zed in at Horsham Developments to have a new clutch with a driftworks flywheel, new compression and anti-roll bushes and 4 wheel alignment.

    To say i'm excited is putting it mildly

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