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Tim BW

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Everything posted by Tim BW

  1. I once had a lease car. They checked for any damage before taking the car back. I got stuffed a little with going over the annual mileage agreed but all was OK overall.
  2. Yes, please feel free to ring us for a quote on our scheme
  3. Really? I'll have to watch my dog more closely when it does its business! Now - how do I figure the alignment?!
  4. May have been better for her to help him get back on the straight and narrow in some way.
  5. Our family loves the US version!
  6. Doesn't make any difference for me with the kids & a dog! Their time clocks didn't adjust so no extra hour for my wife & me! Do think we should just leave the clocks be?
  7. Hope it goes well. Rather you than me though. I can just about cope with an hour of football twice a week!
  8. Sorry to hear this. I suppose it is the 'job' that you quoted for but then what would happen if you quoted a job which took nstead of 4? Do you charge less or the same? Maybe that is where they are coming from. I feel that they should pay the agreed amount but on the flip side I've had work done where it's taken less time & the contractor has charged me less which impressed me & made me want to use them again and also recommend them to others. Granted for you it's only a couple of hours so they should pay the full amount in your case.
  9. I did like that Buddy Holly song when I was younger
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