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Everything posted by joeseber

  1. im in wickford essex mate and ok i will have to do that 2moro cause car at another place but hopefully it works just weird how i was driving thought it was cause of low fuel next thing i know the power just cut out
  2. i just had someone come check it apprently he thinks that it is something to do with the ecu as when i turn ignition on the fan comes on and he said this aint normal. anyone had any type of problems like this he thinks i will have to take to nissan get it diagnosed then see wat happens hopefully they just reset it which i read on a previous forum but not to sure any info would helppp cheers
  3. Cheers for all the info just put more fuel in it still no luck ! I hope in morning might work
  4. cheers yeh i was literally about to fill it up i might go put more fuel into it give it a chance hopefully it ticks over
  5. just ran out of fuel due to car light saying 40miles left just put in 10quids worth of fuel wont tick over at alll any advice is there a fuel kill switch or a certain amount of fuel your surposed to put in there to try get it to start ? cheers
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