I was in Tesco Extra on Monday and they are selling the same for £25.98 (IIRC) from their petrol station. I rember seeing it after filling the car and thinking it was cheap
Tarmac Sportz - The source of zeditis
Tarmac Sportz - OEM? OMG!
Tarmac Sportz - making your car yours
Tarmac Sportz - Get shod with a mod
Tarmac Sportz - We don't need slogans
Tarmac Sportz - Our O has a frickin lazer beam
Tarmac Sportz - Emptying your slush fund since 2010
Tarmac Sportz - Because you can't take it with you
Interesting how they have done it though. I like the fact that they are selling the oem pieces that they have used to take moulds.
I'd like to know how they open the doors....finger in hole?
That kit includes none of the lights as well!
Not the worst match on a kit I've ever seen though
I just searched on ebay to see of the powerflow back box was ever a polished finish....and came across this
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290766637985? ... 1438.l2649
Want it!!!!! Not going to though, like the sound of mine but love the look of that.
Great info!
After taking the skin from my knuckles by punching the panel behind my chair while driving I decided to do it on Sunday and it now works perfectly. Used it as an excuse to go out for a ride to see if it would cut out. Hasn't missed a beat yet (excuse the pun)
It is addictive when you start...I looked at the backbox and whether I should attempt it but I think it would be quite painfull as it has some azure overspray from when the bumper was done. It actually would look great if it wasn't that only half the back box is covered. Only found that out as I washed all the grime off it.
Something I'd been meaning to do since getting the car. Really impressed with autsol metal polish. I also used it to remove some slight fogging on the headlamps and also Tracy's Passat chrome edging.
Re there any other areas on the zed that I should be hitting with the polish???
I use pdfcreator look at sourceforge for the link. always been faultless
don't bother installing any toolbars if it asks.