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ph 7

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Everything posted by ph 7

  1. Serversfree , I have used their services for several websites. Completely free and with FTP/SQL access. You name it and it is there, with 10gb of storage. Either point your domain at their system or have a domain from them. Perfect for testing. . Amazing site really
  2. I haven't had a response yet to either of the messages I've sent. All gone quiet
  3. bad paint.net skills time! rimmms023-black by p_h_7, on Flickr rimmms023-white by p_h_7, on Flickr rimmms023-gold by p_h_7, on Flickr rimmms023-purple by p_h_7, on Flickr
  4. Took a mirror off an old wardrobe yesterday before throwing the wardrobe and found this little fella. Now I know there is pencil involved but I bet the person who put it on never had any idea it would become famous here. Unhappy wardrobe photo by p_h_7, on Flickr
  5. With your black theme I'm suprised you havent gone for some of these...i'm sure someone was selling them here before
  6. ph 7

    Purple bits

    hahaha, How about plast dip...is this the right colour tone....it would allow you to play and showing it on a colour panel
  7. ph 7

    Purple bits

    I must say I'd agree, depends on how subtle you could make it look, and silver tints would make it look like a van! You could always accessorize....
  8. ph 7

    Purple bits

    That was what i'd go in my head.....like i said...odd
  9. ph 7

    Purple bits

    nope, just thinking aloud...said it was odd....you could then get a purple dragon decal put down the side...okay now i'm joking this offends me: http://www.dtmstickers.com/Nissan-Slimline-Retainer-Holder-Purple/dp/B00AW06EM6?traffic_src=froogle&utm_medium=organic&utm_source=froogle
  10. ph 7

    Purple bits

    strange one now....what about deviating from a black window tint and going for a purple...you have the car colour to potentially pull it off.
  11. ph 7

    Purple bits

    also, is there any differnce in the bulb clusters from the dash lights between nissans...if not then tis could be good. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ZPE-Purple-Dash-LED-kit-for-the-Nissan-Skyline-R34-Series-1-/271142872447?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f215fe57f
  12. ph 7

    Purple bits

    How about wheel nuts.....there was also a floral tax disc holder but it wasn't the right colour http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CK-Engineering-Subaru-Nissan-Wheel-Nuts-12x1-25-Thread-Purple-/111005486632?pt=UK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Wheels_tyres_Trim_Nuts_ET&hash=item19d8714e28
  13. ph 7

    Purple bits

    on a more serious note I'm guessing you've seen this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PURPLE-ALLOY-OIL-CATCH-TANK-CAN-NISSAN-350Z-300ZX-Z32-Z33-FAIRLADY-200SX-180SX-/290649406523?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item43ac0dfc3b
  14. ph 7

    Purple bits

    Has to be this then.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JDM-R-Dildo-Gear-Shift-Knob-Purple-Bubble-145mm-Long-S13-S14-S15-R32-R33-/320981822398?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&fits=Model%3A350+Z&hash=item4abc01ebbe
  15. I love that, I'd be shouting at my watch, "Kit come and get me!"
  16. The Dragons Den BBC love-in plug really grated on me. No need for it and was a waste of air time. I love top gear and was really looking forward to it....but felt let down as a first episode as the P45 section was weak. I know the format is rinse and repeat and there is only so much variance but the carbon copy nature of the P45 / P50 section just made me feel that it was filler. it took from the original p50 piece / car in a shopping centre / innapropriate loud mobility scooter in a quiet place. The first episode shouldn't feel like it has filler. I'm glad they did the rally section with the GT to keep it fresh because when it came on screen I just thought...I've seen this car too many times now. Damian Lewis looks like he can drive hard, would be an interesting dry lapper I think. I think I was also hoping that they'd start with the delayed christmas special so perhaps I was dissapointed from the outset. Maybe it is because it is Monday that I'm miserable.....or that I cleaned the car yesterday to before going out for a meal yesterday at a place I'd never been to before and then the sat nav took me back a different way through a mud covered single track road with flooding....car now needs a good clean again.
  17. I think this has bargain written over it...sorry it isn't an auto. talk about right time of year to buy a roadster..... http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201246492311692
  18. Welcome, pop into the west midlands section!
  19. Well the part number is actually "ASSY-SOCKET 99" not 9. Google image search brings up various things but translating a couple of russian websites I get "traction steering appearing" if you drop the N from the part number you get a wider response which sent me to this http://www.autopartoo.com/oem/nissan/48521al500uhx.html Tie Rod Axle Joint with picture
  20. Unbelievable what they deem as good practice. . You'd think that they would have some kind of protective screen to guard off the immediate area of the ground works as this must happen time and time again. If you had had notification then it would be a different matter but to turn up early and then having seen your car just thought, screw it we'll hose it down after, is shocking.
  21. Tracy and I are well up for this. Dunno if I can fit my new tent in the zed though...may have to use the tiny one. We'll be in for the full friday experience
  22. I enjoyed that, sent it to a friend who really wants a cayman S
  23. I couldn't get out of my street this monring...the problems with living in a cul de sac and it is uphill. To add to the terror at the top of my street turns left into single track with 6ft brick walls either side. Managed to get halfway up and with each attempt I was compacting more snow. I have turned my street into an ice rink for anyone else. I'd bought a set of snow socks for my old 5 series but never had to use them before. They are designed for a maximum size of 245/45 R18 but I managed to get them on just. 2 mins installation time apparantly....try 25 and taking the skin off your hands as you try get the bands to the rear of the tyre under a wheel arch filled with razor sharp ice. But for all their trouble, the snow shoes are amazing..was able to set off in 1st gear where I was previously beached. The only downside with mine is that you can't exceed 25mph which is a pain as I go from really snow filled backstreets on to wet 40mph dual carraigeway and then onto snow filled carpark 10 mins later; so I can't justify taking them back off after getting out the side streets. Winter tyres are now well on my radar. Also buying some for my Wifes Passat...can you believe I managed to get 4 x steel wheels for the Passat today for £25 + £26 postage... shame we can't get steels for the 350!
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