What is the deal with having to not use the windows for 36 hours (or whatever it is) and the auto opening on the fronts? Assuming that light smoking is allowed on the fronts of a 350z
I'm looking to get mine resprayed in the near future...depending on what I get this weekend but certainly sorting something out before lakez.
Wasso, if you remember from the meet last year I was going to get a friend of one of our Paint Engineers to do the spray work. I'll let you know the details if you want as I get them.
I get it too and always put it down to exhaust
you'd think with so many of us experiencing it that we would know what it is exactly by now.
It would be interesting if someone who used to get the smell had it disapeer after running decats or switching to hfcs????
Is the 370z really that much faster than a 350z? even if it is I can't see how it can be over 4 seconds. That is an eternity! Can 50hp really equate to 4.3 seconds?
Thanks ph 7, I owe you a pint or 2! Are you going to Wales in May?
Not at Wales I don't think but will be at Lakez in June. Keep it chilled for me!
Just glad someone got a bargain.
Nope, standard are black plastic and not aluminium.
Wasso, that made me laugh.dares are the worst.Well dares and trying to impress the oppposite sex.
I remember dancing on a podium in a club in Manchester (i think). There were several of us in there all thinking we looked cool....me especially. I'd put my beer on the floor to keep it out the way while I threw some serious shapes. I kicked the bottle while spinning round which poured beer acorss the podium. I hadn't noticed this and so on my next spin my legs shot out from under me.....so embarrassing. I was like an upturned turtle.
Had a race with my friend (running not driving) and ran at full stride into a railway sleeper bench pushing my cartilage under my knee. I was so lucky not to hit half an inch lower and shatter the knee cap. I left to go to Tenerife then next day so had to spend 2 weeks with my knee the size of a melon until I could get back to a physio.
Hit my head off the inside door frame of a rear door of a peugeot 309 as a passenger as the driver avoided a badger (or other animal) . Driver dropped us off at the house party we were going to and set off to get others. I was last out of the car and collapsed in the garden....in a foot of snow....for an hour until the driver returned and found me. No one had noticed I hadn't come in the house and thought I was keeping the driver company as he went back!
There are many more. It isn't a good night unless someone has fell over.
I've already got these on my car as an optional extra but thought it was a good price and ends today.
yep all about the exposure....millions of people worldwide will view the episode with Kia getting a great portion of air time throughout the hour long show. If they were to run an international advertising campaign it would surely cost a lot more than 10 cars worth.
I wonder what they do to them afterwards....repaired or scrapped?
Hamiltons lap was incredible, chuffed for him.
I don't like the mastretta...looked like someone had driven a Smart roadster into a wall...twice
you could always try satelite broadband...
we will be looking at this tech as an alternative internet connection at work for disaster recover purposes.
I just find it odd that it was only on the car for 40 miles
If you like that kind of thing. Buy it now listing
I like them.
Do you ever find that in wet conditions people don't see you at junctions?
I had a steel blue 3 serie a few years back that looked like wet tarmac in the rain. People didn't even see my indicators flashing and would crap themselves if I pulled out on them (safely I might add). Also people would just pull out on me at roundabouts and then be open mouthed as my invisible car came into view...it was far too frequent in the rain to be coincidence.
Doesn't happen now, and never happened in my black 5 series.
Well mine is now at 178K and just gone through MOT after a drop link has been replaced (previous MOT advisory). Had it serviced at the same time with a zmanalex service pack.
I also live close to work so I don't have to do too many miles a week so only do about 6K per year. So in about 5 years it will look like it has had average mileage!