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ph 7

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Everything posted by ph 7

  1. I would check the rest if the car with a fine tooth comb. If someone was willing to spend that high on the exhaust.... It can't be the only mod. Bet your space saver is made of unicorn horns.
  2. Great info. Didn't need to comment but hey, one more to the target!
  3. *watches ebay pricing carefully.* If this works then the HU price is going to go through the roof as every 350z owner swaps out!
  4. I'm going to also mention the 370z.....for that money I wouldn't be looking for a 350z I'd be making and offer on a more expensive 370z like http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201302215438891/sort/default/usedcars/model/370_z/make/nissan/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/page/1/radius/1500/postcode/ba23ny?logcode=p I suppose it all comes down to what you think of higher mileage but that one has only done 15-17K a year... But back on topic, if I had to choose...the roadster.
  5. I'm in for trying this out as well. For a tenner it is worth it. Like the idea of a raffle for the freebies
  6. His average speed is 61 though. High speed coasting. Or he is 2 feet from the back of a lorry with the reactions of a fly
  7. Rolling down a slip road???
  8. Vauxhall Monterey. It is an Isuzu trooper but rebadged. Always sell for less than the Isuzu though.
  9. She could have worn the whip like a fez, don't think it would have been as effective though!
  10. I was in my zed this time although it was filthy from having fun in some lanes so would have looked brown not blue. Before anyone starts. NOT DOGGING!
  11. You three can have the walnuts. I'll take the rest
  12. I also had the click, it disappeared over a couple of weeks. I agree with SMD. Feels terrible and no matter how slow you use the pedal it does it.
  13. Where are you based out of interest?
  14. I may have one coming up soon in azure. I'll keep you posted if interested.
  15. Introducing the new Nissan Wasso with LSA powertrain and shiny bits.
  16. Forgot to say thanks on the filter. Have a free bump from me.
  17. I think it is hideous. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-TAMIYA-TB02D-DRIFT-CHASSIS-NISSAN-Z33-350Z-CAR-1-10-RC-KIT-ASSEMBLED-SURVO-/281071287893?pt=US_Character_Radio_Control_Toys&hash=item4171277e55
  18. I got the wrong idea from the thread title
  19. Saw you yesterday as you went past me on the A45. Just so happened that I was picking up an ebay item and found the same car parked up around the corner from where I was so I took a quick snap. You wouldn't have spotted me as I was in my wifes Passat. spotted 370z by p_h_7, on Flickr
  20. I'm currently trying to fit the biggest tent I have into the car. Our small tent is just too tiny for 3 days stay so instead it will have to be the bigger one. never had it in the 350z before and couldn't get it in at first in its normal form Last night I took out the vertical tonneau cover and it fits in undone lenghtways with the middle piece under the strut. There should be a seperate award for who can transport the most impractical camping gear in a zed. To say I'm looking forward to this meet is an understatment!
  21. If I remember I'm sure someone said there was an eBay seller currently breaking a car. I had a quick look and there were all types of interior plastic shell being sold. Worth a peek
  22. I do that will all shows these days. I no longer suffer the 'coming up' section before a break and the 'previously on' section after the break......really grinds my gears. With re runs of top gear, fast forwarding through commercials and the star in the reasonably priced car is a god send.
  23. "Kiss.........my............fur"
  24. You need this in your life. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/The-Squirrels-Talk-To-Me-/271107690373?pt=UK_Men_s_T_Shirts&var=&hash=item3f1f470f85
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