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ph 7

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Everything posted by ph 7

  1. Second time I've seen it but forgot to post the first time. In tipton. This photo is the worst ever taken.....all it captured was the rear wheel....honest, it is a 350z photo 1 by p_h_7, on Flickr
  2. again there yesterday.....crappy photo alert photo 2 by p_h_7, on Flickr
  3. photo by p_h_7, on Flickr Eco Touch Dashboard protect Angel Wax Quick detailer Air freshener Business card Looking forward to the main package now!
  4. The freebies arrived this morning, not the full package!
  5. or you've thrashed it so hard it has burnt out!
  6. Like the app, amazing how it has grown so fast.
  7. Mine seems really bright. Never had a problem seeing it.
  8. I use mine as a reminder to change into 6th on the motorway. I set it so that it starts to flash when I'm at 70 in 5th gear. I just ignore it the rest of the time.
  9. I'm hoping that the date means we will be getting last months box right away and not having to wait until the end of the month....I want mine yesterday!
  10. ditto! Thought it was just me being impatient
  11. status update ph7 is currently agreeing with this post
  12. I think that is going to look amazing on the car
  13. Happy Birthday knowing you, polishing off a few drinks will end up as this...
  14. Parked at denso mfg. s99 was the first part. Spotted by my wife.
  15. Anyone who has been watching anger management on Comedy Central will see these from the show sponsor. I can't escape them
  16. Looking forward to the pm!!!!! Thanks for sorting this out.
  17. ph 7

    New ass!

    Like it! Just like wasso's with no spoiler My favourite bumper.
  18. If someone wants to offer me free dyno time to see what horses are lost then I'm up for that! All in the interest of gaining more knowledge for the forum
  19. I reckon i'm 3 years away from hitting 200K over 178K now but only doing about 7000 per year
  20. Just an idea but why don't we just lift the CD player components from the updated navara unit and slot them into the 350's? Do you think it would be wired to complain? I'd be happy with that. Ultimately, what is the underlying problem with the existing one? If it laser related then surely that can be replaced anyway? Or is it more fundamental?
  21. I can't find it anywhere...sorry for getting hopes up
  22. Impatient! I work in IT so timelines are fluid in my world. I can't bloody find it. There is one on there somewhere. I've just been searching completed listings as well incase it finished but still can't find it. There is one knocking around i'm certain. I'll keep looking as it is now bugging me
  23. I saw one of these on ebay last week..one sec
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