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ph 7

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Everything posted by ph 7

  1. ph 7

    My Boss

    The lenghts you'll go to to sell another divider!
  2. ph 7

    Machine Polisher

    I'd take either but I'm guessing I'd be safer with a DA. In the same way i'd trust myself more with a bow saw than a chainsaw
  3. Good work, though you have undone your effort in the title to conceal the reg. may need a quick edit.
  4. ph 7

    Machine Polisher

    That's very kind of you. I think I should post a picture to see what you think is achievable. I'll sort one tomorrow.
  5. Well today(actually yesterday now) I received my winter alloys from Keyser. A set of lovely 17" JDM with toyo proxes on them. The timing couldn't have been better with me having this as a rear wheel... Untitled by p_h_7, on Flickr I drove over a metal clip of some sort that ripped through my rear conti sport. My rears were low on thread anyway so all is not lost. Hated running at 50mph only though with the space saver. Also, there is a place reserved in hell for the person that designed the spare wheel location. How hard is it to get out and put back in?!! I took more skin from my hands getting it in and out than doing anything else. Untitled by p_h_7, on Flickr So seeing as there is tread left on the wheels I decided to downgrade my alloys temporarily while I source new boots for the rays. I was looking forward to trying out my new trolley jack and set about getting a wheel off. It was this point that I encountered Keyser's wrapping. You'd think he didn't want me to use them! Untitled by p_h_7, on Flickr After a mass of unwrapping here it is compared to the rays: Untitled by p_h_7, on Flickr Finally the car with all 4 on after a trip to the shops to test handling and buy booze. Untitled by p_h_7, on Flickr This may sound odd but I do like these alloys. Maybe it is just because it is a novelty having them on. There is one thing that I have noticed though and that is that the ride in the car is softer due to the extra inch of rubber and it isn't a bad thing on some of the roads near me. I must say that the toyos are great and felt really grippy in the wet. Very impressed initially. Big thanks to keyser for sorting them out for me and to mrs keyser for the cling film! As with all jobs, you spot the next job on the list. I'd noticed a rattle when I went over speed bumps, so while the front was jacked up I had a quick peek at the undertray. I currently have 5 fixings holding it up, it is really loose and bowing in the middle. I need to source fixings now.
  6. ph 7

    Machine Polisher

    West mids, but given that I've never used one before I'd be worried about damaging your pads!
  7. ph 7

    Machine Polisher

    I can't remember if I mentioned this on here but someone drove down the side of my Wifes Passat a few weeks back scratching 3 panels, denting the rear arch and cracking the rear bumper. The cost of repair outways the cost of the vehicle which means I'm going to go DIY on its ass. I'm going to attempt to pull the dent form the wheel arch and polish out some of the scratches if I can. Just to make it look a tiny bit better. As such I'm after a cheap & nasty or a cheap & fantastic machine polisher.......the emphasis is on the cheap. If anyone has one taking up space on a shelf or have replaced an old one near the end of it's life with a new one then i'm your man^! ^your man excludes sexual favours
  8. It isn't the worst I've ever seen and there are a couple of genuine funny scenes. But overall it is never going to win an award.
  9. Humpy wins. Have 150 ph points!
  10. Wrong and wrong. Film has multiple a list stars in it.
  11. This is how everyone will now answer your posts from now on! Especially SMD!
  12. Nice use of z. Is that a war over a light cheese spread?
  13. Nope but the film does have a number in the title. I'll be astonished if anyone gets it.
  14. Oh and crap. The film was crap
  15. I thought I'd leave you guessing. It is new and not on DVD yet. Not xxx either!
  16. Spotted while watching a film Untitled by p_h_7, on Flickr
  17. They are also selling a dog cage for the 350z. How cruel an owner would you have to be to put a dog in that boot!!!! Well, unless you have a luggage net to pin it down with.
  18. ph 7

    new Z

    Congrats! Love the wheels and surprisingly the chairs.
  19. http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4d0bf07ecd I didn't know about a campervan upgrade for the zed
  20. Really like the cut out bumper, something new and interesting. A black car with a simple line like this would look great, would tie up with the calipers/reflectors/seat trim stritching nicely. Would be subtle in a good way.
  21. Also a piccy from a 5:50am start at the golf club Golf morning (2) by p_h_7, on Flickr
  22. These appeared today courtesy of Tarmac, thank you very much! These will be going onto the replacement front bumper photo 4 by p_h_7, on Flickr
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