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Everything posted by Bems

  1. Bems

    Few pics :)

    Nice driveway you got there. Your neighbours T5 looks decent too
  2. I have to say MPSS too. They're so good they're worth selling a kidney for if you have to
  3. Not the most driver focused but that engine...... http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/mercedes-benz/slk/mercedes-slk55-amg-2005-stunning-looking-car/1567580
  4. Ordered Hope it's on par with last months
  5. Ah now i get it. Shows how clued up I am when it comes to TVR's! Still love the look of it tho.
  6. Am I missing something here. How can you put thisin the same bracket as an mr2 Ferrari. And how can an actual sagaris not be a sagaris? It's a neat job and that colour.....
  7. Thanks for all suggestions guys. I had looked on the usual sites and wasn't very keen after reading a lot of comments on the main hotels close to the track so think I'll be stAying somewhere slightly farther afield!
  8. I do play golf but no chance of that happening with our four month old with us
  9. I just put them in for a quick was @ 40 with no detergent at all.
  10. As above can anyone recommend a hotel reasonably near by the track. heading down on the 8/9th August to do an Italian supercar experience the wife got me for my birthday
  11. That's some serious looking brake discs!
  12. Lovely mate and the best BMW colour IMO
  13. I am lucky enough to work offshore and have done all of my working career. Years back Used to get asked by people who i Knew or who knew me through friends maybe 2-3 times in a year what was the best way to get a job offshore. Nowadays it's the same question but every other day!Every man and their dog seems to want to come offshore for the money which is fair enough but I have also over the years seen the skills and knowledge of the average offsohre joe bloggs spiral downhill with some even "educated" guys being down right dangerous.Theres a lot of ex army guys out here and most that I have met are good guys and hard workers. From what I've seen and what I would recomend is that you look into NDT courses (non destructive testing) there are different levels of NDT tech dependant on years experiance and tickets held for eg DPI, UTI, MPI etc. I would say this coupled with a rope acces ticket would see you alright but the courses are not cheap and obviously work is not garunteed afterwards. The drilling side is also popular but you'd be right in at the bottom end getting every s%*t job going. Saying that, career progression does tend to be easier and drilling itself is on the up at the moment prety much world wide. Hope this helps.
  14. Sitting on the fence with this one. I've experienced both sides. I do have very close female friends who I have shared all kinds of experiences with (none sexual) but things in my opinion only close mixed gender friends could do without "going there". These friends are in my opinion attractive but for whatever reason I'm not attracted to them. I've also had close female friends where either I ended up fancying them or them me where it was not recipitated and things inevitably got awkward. It's a very fine line indeed.
  15. Looks lovely mate. What exhaust is it sporting?
  16. Love it! God i wish i bought those wheels when i had the chance!!
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