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Everything posted by Bems

  1. I'm the same. Think you'll need a up rev to sort out the fuelling etc to improve it
  2. All that money spent mechanically & look at the state of those wheels!!
  3. Das-6, dodo buff daddy, megs G220 they're pretty much all the same. Just go for whichever package gives the best deal. You can't go wrong with any of them.
  4. Wave & flash when I see one. Last was about two months ago, a GM in Aberdeen & i got a wave back. Only other car I've ever had where drivers of the same car acknowledged each other was my Suzuki cappuccino but they're like hens teeth.
  5. Looking forward to seeing some pics from France/Germany in the summer
  6. Zed's are surprisingly cheap to insure. Both good cars the s2000 & the zed but entirely different beasts. Good luck with the search, you've came to the right place
  7. Not clean enough Yeah brickyard is a lovely colour. Would love to see one in the flesh.
  8. Can't comment on the coupe but I have a x3 3.0d twin turbo family car which is essentially the same engine and have to say that the engine is superb especially coupled to the 8 speed semi-auto. I only get 30mpg but then again its a SUV that weighs 1.8 ton dry! With a remap I'd imagine it would be pretty mental with all that torque.
  9. so started the big clean for the summer since the good weathers creeping in started with a snow foam using Megs hyper then wash with Chemical guys maxi suds 2 which i have to say was a good recommendation by a lot of you guys, much better than my old Megs gold class. then clay bar with megs kit then i started with the DA for the first time. Wiped down bonnet with Killer filler first. So far only done the bonnet but for anyone in the same position as i was it really is easy. Best advice I can give is to work small areas at a time & allow the polish to break down properly to avoid marring. The paint wasn't bad on mine so I used a DAS-6 pro, menzerna finishing pad & menzerna SF4500 compound which gave me good results. To do the bonnet took around three hours in total with three passes on each small section. I have no doubt that this process could be sped up but as it was my first time I made sure I took my time. Pics aren't great as it had clouded over by the time i had finished & forgot to get before pics but heres the end result with one coat of Dodo Juice purple haze Rest of car will be polished when time allows.
  10. Cal, don't change a thing mate. Looks lovely as it is!
  11. £350 fully comp NCB protected 31 years old 11 years no claims & no points
  12. http://www.georgemackay.co.uk/used-cars/vauxhall-vx220-2-0-turbo-2dr-edinburgh-201403102389608 Slightly faster, quite rare & roof off option.....
  13. What's the BIG shiney thing in the engine bay an airplane engine. She's a beast
  14. You must live in a real rough neighbourhood Davectr
  15. Gumtree is your friend here I think. Just flog it all once you've been
  16. The RC's drifting is very cool, never seen that before.
  17. you've lost the battle already my friend, I can tell
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