so started the big clean for the summer since the good weathers creeping in
started with a snow foam using Megs hyper
then wash with Chemical guys maxi suds 2 which i have to say was a good recommendation by a lot of you guys, much better than my old Megs gold class.
then clay bar with megs kit
then i started with the DA for the first time. Wiped down bonnet with Killer filler first. So far only done the bonnet but for anyone in the same position as i was it really is easy. Best advice I can give is to work small areas at a time & allow the polish to break down properly to avoid marring. The paint wasn't bad on mine so I used a DAS-6 pro, menzerna finishing pad & menzerna SF4500 compound which gave me good results. To do the bonnet took around three hours in total with three passes on each small section. I have no doubt that this process could be sped up but as it was my first time I made sure I took my time.
Pics aren't great as it had clouded over by the time i had finished & forgot to get before pics but heres the end result with one coat of Dodo Juice purple haze
Rest of car will be polished when time allows.