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  1. Thanks yours replies, On the other hand anyone know any @*!# hot auto electricians, around my area (somerset)?
  2. ah sweet cheers for that, trying to get used to the forum :S. Had a look at the connections today. removed speedo cluster etc all seem fine and even took ouit the a/c unit behind the radio as i was told the vss plugs into it, but again all connections seem ok. If anyone else has any theories to my problem, let me know , cheers
  3. Cheers for the replies guys, i didnt buy it from a trader i bought it from private sale unfortunately. Was working when i bought obviously . Yep will try and get round to checking the connections at the back of the cluster.If there was a loose connection, would that affect the digital speedo aswell though?
  4. well mine seems to be working when its hot haha. when restarting, it sometimes will work but it seems to be when its either colder or damp outside..... urrghh!
  5. Im based in yeovil mate, somerset. Thats would i was thinking. I think i can rule the speed sensors out though, as if one of them was playing up that would mean the traction control/abs etc would be playing up right? so im thinking its further along the line maybe?
  6. Hey guys just purchased myself a nice z! Hopefully get some pics up soonish. Already have an issue.... My speedo (both analogue and digital) is intermittent. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt (most of the time not). Just wondering if any one else has had this prob? no Lights on the dash or anything, and traction control etc working as it should be . just becoming sooo annoying. Any advise will be deaply appreciated. As promised managed to get some snap shots of the Z, What you think? Also how much my wheels worth, i heard a fair bit but not sure? There Volks Rays 19'' Split rims.
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