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Everything posted by Seabee

  1. Im with Adrian Flux at the moment but the mrs has put me on with admiral multicar, £800 a year at the moment im paying 1500 with flux and dont my renewal being cheaper than £800 im only 22
  2. sweet so where did you buy them from? whats the make/model?
  3. thats pretty good man street light helping that?
  4. hmmmm let me know what system you buy, ill no doubt buy one lol
  5. well doing further research apparently the prins system has the best injectors (Jap) which is why its so reliable but the ecu is made by AEB (Mid Range) thats pretty much all thats different, Also the valve care lube is electronically controlled as opposed to a vacuum controlled one that I think ive been priced up for.
  6. hmm your right, I might see if the local guys by me install an electronically controlled flashlube like the prins, that way its a win win lol
  7. *update* the £1400 is a Romano fitted with a flashlube system, Ive been pricing/willing to pay for the prins kit but my nearest dealer for them is almost two hours away! so im wondering do I pay 1400 for a Romano kit thats guranteed for two years and the dealer lives about 10 minutes away (www.lpgwales.com) or pay £1950 for the full prins kit. However any problems and its a two hour drive! ..... hmmmm
  8. J.... Don't buy the car.... Lol ;p tbh I'm considering just running it on LPG with a flashlube system buy another one and we can go to meets!
  9. And are you running LPG now?
  10. To be honest I'm not looking for the cheapest lol its more worrying that you have been quoted £1700 and I've been quoted 1200 lol ahhh anyone know the best suited system?
  11. All good answers but no clear ones guys! I've spoken to one place who has priced me up for £1200 and that's with a flash lube system. One thing he did say however is I might have to decat my.car as Nissan cats apparently don't like LPG. He also said he can tune it so it runs up to 30% petrol if the car is being driven hard. Any more thoughts? Lol
  12. Hey guys just wondering if anyone has any experience or know first hand what the 313 engine runs like on LPG and what sort of problems I can face, also any systems that would be best suited as I know some include a lube feeder as well. Any feedback would be appreciated as I'm looking to sell my car but LPG could swing it for me as my commute to work is changing from 15 miles a day to 45 lol
  13. Its also who exactly is repairing it, my friend has an azure blue 350z that was fully repairs by Nissan with receipts to prove it, however most of them have been repaired to look good most dealers looking to repair and flip these cars for a profit will avoid anything unessacery
  14. well thats just silly I hope he garages it lol
  15. Ive got a cat D and my previous car was a cat C never had a problem (touch wood)
  16. 13,900 miles on my 07 (CAT D) not even broken in! haha
  17. I reset mine every so often, Mines an 07 I know on the american forums they had a recall for faulty sensors but i've yet to phone my local stealership and ask if mines been fixed. lol
  18. Stroke the FURRY WALL lol
  19. pfft get an inspection on my 07 with a better engine and 14k on the clock! (For sale btw haha)
  20. wow thats fcuked guna take a good panel beater lol
  21. Looks Awesome! and its got parts in London!!
  22. Lol it was the previous owner that had it repaired but I know the car is sound I'd prefer anyone who's interested to really take their time and know about cars when they view I took the risk buying it as my dads a mechanic and checked it out first
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