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Everything posted by Sam

  1. wow thats a nice shiny car... any plan to sell it in next few months
  2. I will be watching this soon.. looks like funny.. funny enough to justify my time.. coz the ticket is free..
  3. thanks man, thats great - much appreciated! I am away on site working for next few weeks.. will get in touch once I am back in the deen So howz your experience so far, I bet you loving every minute of it!
  4. to the forum.. good luck with your search...
  5. to the forum. One nice looking Zed mate!
  6. its funny, but looks like the funny is pretending to be drunk IMO...
  7. Good luck for your serach Phil! and do post some photos once you meet your match
  8. nice car! have fun doing the mods mate!
  9. Sam


    there is not much of manufacturing sector left in UK, prodominantly service industry. Labour is not cheap either. Major source on income for Govt = Tax Afterall they need some source of revenue to pay the expenses of their MP's One thing has always bugged me - Road Tax As most of you here have their Zed as second car, which means they are on road not very often but you are paying as much tax as someone who is on road 24 x 7. Is it fair? Well IMO best would be to abolish road tax and add that tax in the price of fuel (dont know may be 0.5p or 1p or 2p) and that way everyone pays fairly. The more you're on the road the more you pay and less you're on road less you pay!! What do you think folks???
  10. Sam


    nice wheels...
  11. Black it is!! 31% voted black against only 23% Blue! (so far) Blue would be my second choice if I couldn't get the black for whatever reason...
  12. to the forum Blackcoffee!! and goodluck for your search guys.. I will be starting mine in a while!
  13. As others have rightly said try to look for other finance options if you can, otherwise you are stuck with dealer. In that case either take your time until the right car comes along at dealer, which could be a while or compromise something on your list and upgrade yourself down the line!
  14. to the forum mate!! we are in the same boat, I will be looking for my first Zed in few months time !!
  15. Mike!! Some photos of your priceless possesion would be nice!!
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