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Everything posted by Tankaction

  1. It's another problem, the tyres have developed lips on the tread (apparently) I can't see what the guy was on about but he suggested trying my winter tyres and it took the noise away. I was convinced it was a wheel bearing, and a German garage told me so but it passed the mot and I raised the question of the wheel bearing in the test centre, they rechecked and said they were perfect. I then described the noise which is where I got this answer from, having read the thread on JDM tyre feathering I took it to be something like that although I'm not sure??? I'm ordering some new rear tyres on Monday going for falkon to match my fronts, after the test I did with my winter tyres I'm certain this will remove the noise
  2. I have not heard of any way to configure the headlights differently?? I have trawled the net and have come to the conclusion that the new headlights I have bought are xenon but without the ballast. Dispite it being marked with H1 there is no way of powering a halogen bulb. They have 8 pin connections indicating the presence of a self levelling motor. As I have a JDM I suspect when I get the old headlights out I will be faced with a 6 pin plug coming from my car which isn't a massive drama as there is a work around as previously discussed, however I feel that the easiest work around would be to swap my 6 pins for 8 pins leaving the 2 for the self levelling motor disabled. My question after all that is does anyone know where I could get 8 pin sockets from?
  3. I have read the thread on the 6 to 8 pin conversion, and as I have a JDM am I right in saying that my xenons run off a 6 pin connection due to not having a Self levelling motor to power. Or am I completely off track? For some reason I can't view the photos in the previous mention thread which proves very difficult to follow
  4. Sorry I don't know how to delete them, and sorry for the repetition, I thought I received the approval email but it wasn't showing My fault for being a crowbag! if you they'll me how to delete them il get rid of the unwanted ones
  5. It's not the bulbs I'm replacing the whole units, is that possible on the same wiring? I don't want to pay the garage to take out my xenons to find that they can't fit the new ones.
  6. Tankaction

    slip light

    I know this is quite old, The same thing happened to me yesterday. I fitted my winter wheels to the rear to see if it removed an annoying noise I've Been getting( it did) accelerating in a straight line I would lose power and the slip light came on, and the same on every corner. I put it in to 'snow' mode and it reduced it but I think only because it reduced power through the accelerator, I put my summer wheels back on and the slip light stayed off (when driving sensibly) but the noise came back. I think it was just because the roads are so dry and hot and my winter tyres didnt like it.
  7. I'm changing the entire headlight unit to European headlights and the ones I ordered turned out to be halogen, marked with H1/H7 They guy who's fitting them said to check before returning them as some jap cars can take both as they have the same wiring loom. He said to ask on here to see if anyone knows if this is the case with Zeds?
  8. It's not the bulbs, I have got some European headlights and my mechanic checked them and said they are halogen, h1,h7? He did say that some Japanese cars were able to do a straight swap xenon for halogen light units as they had the same wiring loom but wasn't sure about mine and said to check with the forum first instead of him taking my lights out to get the same answer
  9. Randomly it was my tyres, put my winter tyres on today and the noise went???
  10. Will Halogen lights work in a car that has xenons?
  11. I dont know if this has been covered, if it has feel free to point me in the direction of the thread I want to change the air filter on my Z and like with most things I dont want to make a decision unless I have reserched it to great lengths so here we go- What are peoples thoughts on the K&N and green cotton air filters I have a 03 plate JDM version T
  12. I've recently started getting a noise from my Z when driving. The noise sounds like it comes from the front left wheel and gets faster the faster I go I have jacked it up and there is no movement in the bearing, when I turn the wheel manually there is a grinding noise once in every rotation this sounds like its coming from the inside of the disk The outside break pad has plenty of pad left but cant see the inner, I have a haynes manuel on order so don't want to start taking things apart without it. The break disk itself looks perfect but has possibly a 1/2 mm lip in the top When I turn the hub quicker it makes a regular clicking noise but I'm not sure if this is normal or not. When driving the noise doesn't appear to get louder when turning but there is a slight grind when I break, I have just had my rear pads changed so I'm not sure if that is them bedding in??? Does anyone have any suggestions? Or even a service manual on PDF so I can get my breaks stripped down to inspect?
  13. I have a 03 plate JDM and am currently trying to get continental headlights. I have asked some dealers and german scrappys and they stop talking to me the moment they find out I have a non European import. Apart from the difference in wiring will the headlight unit fit in my vehicle or do they differ in size and shape? One guy I spoke to said he doesn't have headlights for a JDM but he's happy to see if the euro ones fit/work for free, but his workshop is quite a distance so I don't want to waste his time/my petrol if they won't. Thanks for any help.
  14. Yes I do need need headlights I have to put my car through some sore of military mot to bring it in line with German law headlight and winter tyres are the big 2
  15. Thanks all, I have just bought a second set of wheels and the front ones have Dunlop studless graspic ds-2 on them which I have been unable to match for the rear. I'm moving to Germany and am unsure I'f all 4 tyres are required to match by law so I might wait until I find out If I need 2 or 4 winter tyres. Have had a look at those Nankang dc-2 they look good and you guys are the experts so will seriously consider them Cheers again tank
  16. Looking to get winter tyres for my 03 plate fairlady version t, is there any particular size/make/model I should go for?
  17. Hi, I've just bought a 350Z and I'm moving to Germany in 2 months. Does anyone know where I could get continental headlights before I go?
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