Exactly that Niki! I'm glad you get it
There was already something playing on my mind with regards to "what if" when I took her to the airport to go to Canada. We left it as good friends and she made me promise that I wouldn't stop her from going, so I honoured that promise to her even though I wanted to just pour my heart out and make her stay with me
We left my place within plenty of time to get her to Gatwick 3 hours before the flight as you have to do, and the M23 was closed. We sat on it for 4 hours because of the crash scene up ahead being investigated, and it was a moment of "is this a sign?"...."is she meant to stay with me?"
But I was wanting to keep my promise to her so just shut up and respected her wish. Now we both agree that it was definately a sign, but I think ultimately she had to go for me to get to this state of needing her back, so it's all played out how it should, just hope she comes home
Going blind Doogy? read up fella!!