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Everything posted by smudgedon

  1. i have rays on it already, so am happy with those. may get them painted if/when i get them refurbished. exhaust decats? that taking off the cat converter? glossary says it makes the the car more noisy... is that a problem for MOT etc? throttle controller? what even is that? is that the same thing as the remap adjusting the amount of throttle you can get in the early gears? so far, seems i may be saving and doing everything at once... sound slike these things on their own make a little difference, so i may prefer to get them all done at the same time and feel a big difference in one go! Decats will make the car very noisy and will fail MOT unless you have a friendly place to take it to...
  2. Not sure it is 100% correct but when my missus old Punto had it's MOT the guy said he would have to fail the car as the rear wiper was not working at all, I took it off and he said it was not a fail as it had to be fitted to be defective Anyway I decided to delete my wiper in April and we have had the wettest few weeks for years and I haven't missed it once IF it's fitted, it has to be working If it's not fitted, then it's not considered a fail. Strange MOT rules Mark, i haven't got a 350 yet so i won't be coming to wales and i thought turning up at your house uninvited would cause a bit of concern
  3. Sorry to hear about this Bounty, where did it happen?
  4. Newbie question, what gains do the headers give?
  5. Does this make anyone else laugh? I can't help but burst out laughing whenever this comes on the TV I think it's his face that get's me
  6. Was gonna say that some cars (such as my current Alfa) don't come with rear wipers, so i can't see it ever being a problem for MOT If anyone gets bothered by the rain on the rear window, a 5er will get you a decent product like Rain-x to solve this problem
  7. Haven't even got the car yet will let ya know if/when i need help buddy
  8. Ta I'm in Wallington in Surrey
  9. How the!? A fault in the manufacturing process then?
  10. smudgedon

    Cro's red 350z

    Looks stunning mate!
  11. This x 1000000000 Gives you a clue about the seller, who is probably all talk and hasn't looked after the car at all I'd stay clear
  12. Yep. Bounty is cool. Lol. If i get lost and try to find you, i'll be the Bounty Hunter
  13. So, i get to call you bounty when we finally meet? Epic People call me smudge......dunno why
  14. Friend of mine who works for Ford won't shut up about this
  15. Sorry to hear that mate, a friend of mine has his rear window smashed on a Corsa the other day. Same thing with you, nothing was taken, just mindless vandalism Hope you catch the little feckers!
  16. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p What the actual feck!?
  17. This I've used diesel v-power in my Alfa Romeo for the past 12 months. I ONCE put in £20 worth of standard diesel from BP and the difference was dramatic! Lumpy on idle, power wasn't delivered as smoothly as before, just crap I can only imagine it's the same for petrol in the 350z, would only treat it to V-Power
  18. Awww man! Got a link?
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