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Everything posted by smudgedon

  1. Essex is the hell-hole of England... No, that's Croydon! Agreed I'm an Essex Boy, and my missus is a Croydon Girl Pics?
  2. No one does polished ones but Wasso mate
  3. I did, but it was dark when I picked them up in all honesty Deadline for making a claim has passed, but hasn't stopped eBay stepping in in the past put an email through to them anyway with the testimony of my bodyshop, worth a try to get the seller to pay for the cost of repairing the wheel. It's clear that it's been damaged prior to the refurb before I got them, as there's no cracking or marks in the paint, which would indicate that I damaged the wheel in some way The wheel was clearly damaged, refurbed with the flat spot in place but not repaired, and then sold on
  4. Oh, that Can you not read? I've removed the spacers to make way for the new alloys Well get them fitted already! I take it they are the same size and spec as the geometry will be out! You really don't read do you Go back and look at what I posted about the wheels!
  5. Ta, not too far from me either
  6. Oh, that Can you not read? I've removed the spacers to make way for the new alloys
  7. You want another section of the forum just for Essex meets?
  8. Cheers Just worried about how it will look with the new gloss finish as well...don't want it to stand out
  9. Waiting on my plenum spacer from Wasso to book her in at Abbey for the UpRev
  10. I reckon it's Wasso, he's the only one with my address....as far as I know
  11. Whoever it was, they're lucky it's just about the right shade Thought I'd say it before anyone else does
  12. Got this through the post this morning
  13. You reckon it'll be OK?
  14. My thoughts exactly, not serious but could easily cause an issue with the seal of the tyre...hmmm Buddyclub P1 alloys, so not exactly expensive but big improvement over my 18" OEM ones
  15. Update from the weekend I knew that my rear tyres were getting low on tread, so had them replaced as you do....didn't realise quite HOW low the rears on the car were though Oops! And then it was off to Kaizer Motors to get the following done: P3 service including belts and gearbox oil Slight lowering of coilovers 4 wheel alignment and geometry Replacement of power steering pump As detailed in my thread in Kaizer's section, Sly is a top bloke, friendly, knowledgeable and clearly has a passion for his work. You know you're in good hands when you turn up and these are parked outside: Few pics of the Zed getting some TLC (apologies for quality of pics, they were taken by my PotatoPhone): Car now feels beautiful to drive again gear changes are super slick, engine is quieter and pulls better than before, and power steering is just bliss after being without for nearly 2 months New alloys are currently at the bodyshop, but a spanner in the works with them as one of them has a flat spot not happy about that And a final picture (poor quality again) of how she currently sits. Not sure of how much she was lowered by, would guess about 40mm all round though You'll notice the spacers have gone to make way for new alloys Car tracks straight and true and is a joy in the corners again
  16. Bought a set of alloys off eBay back in December and they have been sitting in my garage ever since Recently sent them off to my bodyshop to be sprayed, only to get a message from him saying that one of the wheels has a noticeable flat spot on it I realise that isn't the best of picture, but is it bad enough to log a claim with eBay, go through the agro of a claim which can take weeks and risk not having my wheels ready for show season in a few weeks? As you can imagine I'm pi**ed off, the seller from eBay has failed to come back to me after I've messaged him twice and text him over the last 2 days. The original eBay listing said that the wheels were "the functional equivalent of a new part and is virtually indistinguishable from a new part" - leading me to believe that they are in perfect condition which the seller confirmed in various emails before buying also What do we reckon?
  17. Seems reasonable to me, always worth asking what their price is if you pay cash
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