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Everything posted by smudgedon

  1. It's painful Luckily only a temp phone until my replacement Galaxy S3 comes back to me after having my 1st one nicked No purple option, boooooo!!!
  2. Looks great, just not sure on the colour of the wheels but each to their own Welcome
  3. You're all BASTARDS!!!!
  4. That's where I've placed my orders got my refunds from from before... Blox no longer sell them (although they're on their website still) I think I've found a company with 1 set in stock and just waiting for them to double check and provide postage costs. I've also seen a Chinese manufacturer via Alibaba that will make them with a min of 100pcs order... but I'm a bit reluctant on that. I hope that's sarcasm.... Alibaba contributes to approx 90% of counterfeit products online particularly from China
  5. Link me up please Will, search function isn't working great for me Lazy git! You try surfing the internet using a phone that has WAP internet
  6. I think Steve @ Redline has some of these for sale doesn't he? Drop him a PM maybe
  7. Link me up please Will, search function isn't working great for me
  8. My engine bay looks a bit sorry for itself, full of muck and grime What's the best method and stuff to use to get it looking a bit better?
  9. Quick question Chris, will these come with the clips to fit it in place? I've lost one of mine
  10. Dunno what you mean Ian..... But ye, stick me down for a purple one please Chris
  11. smudgedon

    Camber Arms

    +2 degrees on the front or -2 degress?? I believe it'll be +2 as -2 would mean the top of the wheel leaning out. Wrong -2 has the top of the wheels under the arch, like this / \ +2 would have top sticking out, like this \ /
  12. Got mine yesterday was gonna fit it today but I'm hanging after a heavy sesh last night
  13. I'll have a set up for grabs in about 6 weeks?
  14. 4 claims in 2 years is gonna make you a high risk on any car, let alone a Zed
  15. smudgedon

    350z cats

    you're only jealous What's that all aboot, eh?!
  16. smudgedon

    350z cats

    Never seen Cats Witt before
  17. smudgedon

    350z cats

    I've got a set of OEM ones sitting i the garage
  18. Too slow mofo!!! Danny, PM me with how much you want for your standard rear bumper
  19. I'll take your standard bumper off you
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