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Everything posted by smudgedon

  1. Few more pics that others took Wheels look filthy from the drive
  2. So, today was the 1st show of the year for me, and wasn't the weather just beautiful Wait, not beautiful, I meant fecking arse!!! In preparation for the day, I picked up my wheels and a few other bits from the bodyshop at 9am on Saturday morning and then set to work getting everything fitted and cleaned for today My custom colour that I worked on with the bodyshop A mix of candy purple, indigo, blue and a violet purple over the top as well, very hard to show all the colour in pictures though And has to borrow a friends cars to get all 4 wheels and tyres in Took it all to Kaizer Motors as Sly has a range of brand new, specialist machinery for tyres to ensure that we didn't mark them as the paint was still fairly fresh And the other bits I had painted in the same colour (Wasso may be getting another PM about the colour of my plenum spacer ) Battery and brake fluid covers Great picture showing some of the colour change in the paint New strut brace feet Also got the rear strut brace cover done but didn't get pics of that Everything fitted and polished up As you can see the spacer and oil cap are the same colour, but different to my very deep purple colour theme that's started to occur. I think Wasso had issues with anodizing to such a dark colour so may be rethinking that shut up before anyone says anything! Can get the oil cap painted the same colour as everything else, and a couple of other bits too, along with a purple grounding kit and purple silicone couplers for the air intake Then it was onto the wheels. Didn't seal them yet as the paint was only done on Friday, give it a week or so to breathe properly before I seal them weekend. Was getting dark by this point so found it hard to get decent pics Suspension not settled yet Didn't want to use any tyre shine just yet to avoid any chemicals reacting with the lacquer Need some 10mm spacers all round I think And then it was off to bed for a 5am start today! Absolutely pishing it down all the way there, but we thought that we were early enough to avoid the main part of the traffic....NOPE! Took 2 hours to travel 2 miles into Santa Pod the figures weren't for happy reading Started snowing whilst in the queue as well...was not impressed! But we pushed on and finally got in, was a pretty poor show in all but saw at least 6 other Zed's, couple of Azure's, 2 GM's and a black one that I can remember off the top of my head Also saw Stu's 370z And a picture of mine which got some nice attention Overall, a tough weekend, but I'm pleased. just a shame the weather was so bad Suspension needs to come down another 10-20mm all round to finish it off, and 10mm spacers all round as well Comments/suggestions/slating for the shade of purple
  3. Ahhhh man! I was there from 12 til 12.45 and then went back again as I left something Wheels are awesome, keep you all waiting until tomorrow for pics
  4. So a few hours at most. Not worth buying another airbox in my opinion
  5. Doing the velocity stack mod to your standard airbox takes 30mins max mate No need to buy a new box to swap them over...
  6. I think regulations may have been slightly more..."relaxed" back then
  7. Well said! Beemers are dull and boring
  8. If there was a door, I'd show you to it right now
  9. Busy day tomorrow Up to Colchester for 9am to collect the wheels and some other bits Then getting the tyres fitted to the new wheels, then back home to seal them up before putting them on the car Gotta finish up cleaning the engine bay which should take another hour or so, then a full wash, polish and 2 coats of wax in preparation for a 5am start on Sunday for TFS!
  10. Think you've been given some duff info there Vlad I've researched this numerous times and spoken to quite a few traffic cops over the years who all come back saying that it has to be on the most front part of the car Putting it in the window may be making it visible, but is illegal - I think the cops just give a bit of discretion when it comes to that from my experience though
  11. The law states that the front registration plate must be placed on the most front part of the vehicle - i.e. the front bumper I used to run a car without a front plate and only ever got pulled once Cops don't usually notice when on the move, but may notice it easier if you're parked up or something I always kept the plate in the boot just in case EDIT - there is nothing about height or placement, just that it must be on the further front point of the car
  12. Driving towards Croydon, I was going the opposite way and flashed my lights You on the forum? Car is certainly unique!
  13. Definately worth a go We used to drop at least one of the fees if people contested it (only about 1 in 10 people ever did) so I would give it a try You're renewing the current tenancy right? So it's not a new deal Ask them where in any T&C's it states that you will have to pay £120 for signing this extension Ask them how they come up with the figure of £120 and what it involves, what happens to that bit of paper in the "admin" sense to warrant the £120 price tag? Should at least get a reduction on the price if not removed completely
  14. Used to be in lettings myself, all "admin fees" are complete bollocks I would say that you're not paying it, but of course it's up to the estate agent whether or not they accept that This was about 5 years ago, but we used to charge something like: £60 reference fee per tenant £120 tenancy agreement fee £50 security deposit registration fee and a few other odds and sods. 100% markup as it's just a fee that they used to stick onto anything Who's the agent you're going through if you don't mind me asking?
  15. Couldn't see a category for clutch?? Only messing I would've just put it in the main part of the technical section
  16. No need to disconnect the battery. Just whip em out!
  17. Never knew the clutch was part of the braking system.....
  18. You wont get one with a carbon lip
  19. Wouldn't say its a "must have" upgrade, would get better performance figure from the standard air box with velocity stack mod Pop charger just makes noise
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