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Everything posted by smudgedon

  1. Ollie I've got the same HU, did the ipod lead come with it?
  2. I made it in to the top 50 in the nissan free race challenge out of 500 applicants and 200 attendee's most of the people who qualified ahead of me were professional racers, GT series, F3 etc Didn't realise there were different leagues for beverage bringing
  3. Friend of mine owns a vinyl wrap business
  4. Wrap it, so at least you can remove it if you wanted to at some point and it's considerably cheaper as well. Had mine wrapped recently for £60
  5. Great shout! I removed enough gravel to cover a few driveways and make a little garden path recently
  6. Finally realised that purple is a bit gay? Says the guy that wants an "iron man" themed car.... Plenum is going purple with a polished spacer in between Yep, Iron Man rules! Finally realised that purple is a bit gay? Says the guy that wants an "iron man" themed car.... Plenum is going purple with a polished spacer in between Yep, Iron Man rules! If you're 5....
  7. Finally realised that purple is a bit gay? Says the guy that wants an "iron man" themed car.... Plenum is going purple with a polished spacer in between
  8. No worries mate, no rush And it's not like you can get different shades of "polished"....can you?
  9. SkylineV35 is taking my purple one off me Friday, so stick me down for a polished one please Ian
  10. Have to try and convince the Mrs to get some pics of us all on the move. Hopefully be some good weather
  11. I live in wallington and work in up London Bridge...theme ruined
  12. I met Matt a couple of months ago and he was interested in buying my wheels as I was talking to him about putting the new ones on, funny that he's actually got them now
  13. What's the convoy plans for people from London way?
  14. Mods can close, got this sorted now thanks
  15. Ye I see him around all the time, he's not on the forum though coz I've put up a few spotted threads
  16. Ye I saw that one the other week
  17. Not sure about the Bose unit, but I'm guessing the HU in the video has an Aux Input which comes from the 3.5mm jack output on the tablet
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