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Everything posted by smudgedon

  1. Sold pending payment tonight
  2. Just seems so cheap! Think I'll take it though, hopefully it's not a other time waster
  3. Someone offering me £6,000 Reckon I should take it or hang on a while longer?
  4. How will that help when you are flashed from the side to be let out at a junction? +1 You need 4 cameras now to be any use at all. A decent camera will have 180degrees viewing angle
  6. It's boring to watch I'll admit that, but playing it is awesome Relieves stress, good exercise, good scenery, if you get 2 buggies then it's ALWAYS funny and if you play well you feel really good about it afterwards
  7. I'm seriously tempted to get another bike after seeing that and giving it a go in a year or 2 How long does it take you?
  8. Who ever said God bas to be fair though? Why should everyone live in bliss and peace?
  9. I sold my old Scott Aspect 90 not long ago. Need something s bit beefier and with ski's for this!
  10. http://dirt.mpora.com/news/dirttv-megavalanche-2013.html Something I have to do before I die!
  11. Been looking at some Cobra stuff recently, always liked them
  12. EBay and piston heads Just had a P1 service and MOT which it flew through
  13. £134, not to be sniffed at!
  14. My 54 plate is in the Zeds for sale section well under your budget too
  15. Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you? Serious question, despite the flippancy. I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening With that reasoning why not pray to Cheryl Cole at least if she does hear your prayers if they get answered its a win/win Meh, she doesn't do it for me Hard to explain, it's an act of desperation which I get comfort from That pretty much sums up religion for me, depressed, unhappy people with worthless lives longing to believe in something to give their life purpose... Sorry if that offends the billions of religious people out there, I fully intend to burn in hell as I know thats where all the dirty girls will be Ye thanks Dave....
  16. Anyone on here a regular player? I played a lot as a junior and got down to a handicap of 5 when I was 16, but school and stuff started to take upy time I have been advised to take it up again to get me out and about when I'm recovered from surgery, and was wondering what people consider to be the best bats to use nowadays? My Ping i3's have been around for nearly 8 years so want to get something new What do other people play off?
  17. Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you? Serious question, despite the flippancy. I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening With that reasoning why not pray to Cheryl Cole at least if she does hear your prayers if they get answered its a win/win Meh, she doesn't do it for me Hard to explain, it's an act of desperation which I get comfort from
  18. Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you? Serious question, despite the flippancy. I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening
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