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Everything posted by smudgedon

  1. Wow thats sounds so bad once you put it like that :/ We both tired very hard to get it to work but it just wouldnt power up could be a lose connection but we tried every think :/ Everything...not think....
  2. Only thing that's missing from the pictures is some purpleness, I will fix that next year
  3. Looks like a great weekend, shame I had to work so couldn't make it Defo be there next year!
  4. 260 miles to Wales (Scenic route) 300 ish miles around Wales (some airbourne ) 210 miles home Actually not quite £300 Airbourne?! Do tell.....
  5. 1. SuperStu 2. Arran 3. Vlad 4.SkylineV35 5. smudgedon
  6. Reports on here have shown noticeable gains in acceleration and torque. For 180quid its well worth it
  7. That's a splitter, not a bumper
  8. That would make sense
  9. Front bumper is Amuse with some sort of splitter added onto it
  10. Found out why my show and go motorise plate stopped working Water got into the receiver and has fried the circuit board hopefully can get a replacement, but also considering hardwiring the motor into a switch that can be operated from inside the car
  11. Hey guys Just a word of warning about where you place the receiver for these units Mine was stuck to the crash bar being the bumper, well away from any debris or possible harm....or so I thought Mine stopped working just before Japfest (typical!!!) and today I found out why Some water had clearly got into the unit and fried the circuit board inside I'll be contacting the manufacturer to get replacement bits so not a huge worry, the motor still works fine when attaching a battery to the terminals. I'm tempted to even hardwire a switch inside the car to the motor rather than having a key fob and a receiver I didn't get mine through Tarmac, but he's been a great help in giving me details for the manufacturer So just a word of warning guys, think about where the receiver is, if it's well out of harms way, maybe even consider putting it inside some form of waterproof environment?
  12. Crisis averted The rubber seal around the oil cap was caught between the upper and lower plenum Mods can delete this if they want
  13. Removed my plenum spacer earlier, everything back in place as normal When starting the engine, it coughs and splutters and has to be given a little throttle to keep it going and there's a horrendous screaming coming from the engine, sounds like a boiling kettle whistling away Checked everything twice now, throttle body all linked up to the intake, all bolts for the plenum done up and vacuum hose is in place Help me please!
  14. Why is the y pipe an issue? Just get another after market one if you don't wanna use the oem y pipe
  15. Tarmac has just revived his pulley thread
  16. This I will only go here for future work. Located in medway so not the closest for OP but worth the hour journey
  17. Looks good but that paint match is horrendous!
  18. I would say that my exhaust system is the best, track marshals at Castle Combe have other ideas Welcome aboard! I haven't heard anything better than a nismo setup with high flow cats or decats, that's the reason I went for it nismo is pricey though unless you can find a bargain like I was lucky to I'll be going past Reading in a few weeks if you wanted to have a listen. Alternatively just keep your ears open and you'll probably hear it from my house
  19. Just drl's or are they indicators too Shaun?
  20. Looks genuine, but still ****ing ugly
  21. I was going to look into organising a small track day for us, be good practice
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