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Everything posted by Suits

  1. With internet like that I'd be more stoked by the fact I could download a full 30GB game in 5 mins rather than matchmaking !!!
  2. It's an evolution of the idea of the open world FPS system that ODST suggested 5 years ago. I think you'll like it, I think a lot of people will like it as it has so many key elements of gameplay.
  3. Ultimately, I'm going to run all three. Depending on who I'm playing with or what mood I'm in can then determine what style I want to play. Although naturally I'm drawn to the Hunter as his knife suits my style of play in The Crucible as a last resort.
  4. Like you'd not believe. Although I'm on the home straight now. Been looking forward to this and its ideas since Halo:ODST in 2009, which was used as a tester for this sort of game. Now with the added tech of the new consoles, online stability, player base and a lot of R&D I can sit back and enjoy.
  5. It's definitely best played with mates and a mixture of classes.
  6. For those that are interested, here's the contents of the Limited Edition on my desk at work, lol
  7. Have you seen the new next gen ones ?? Changeable wheel faces, you want DTM, you got it, you want GP, you got it. Awesome.
  8. Nah, BETA was 900, upscaled in day one patch, some say it runs better on the Xbox because of it .
  9. Takes time to filter down to the bottom feeders more like .
  10. Its'a already out on the Xbox.
  11. It's like anything really, if you like something that little bit extra, then you'll pay extra for a little bit extra. I always buy the Limited Edition versions of games that I like.
  12. £95 mate. But you get a season pass with that which is £35 I think, so in reality, it's an extra £10 for the additional content, weapons book, steal book and other bits.
  13. Yeah, don't quote me on that actual might be more near £3000 but still, from what I was reading it seemed very fair and attractive. Just find a none running car (engine) and get the motor rebuilt. £600 -http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201409027045456/sort/default/postcode/ss129au/page/1/usedcars/radius/1500/model/rx8/onesearchad/used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew/make/mazda?logcode=p Max cost for full rebuild is £2000 - http://www.apexrotary.com These I searched in about 3 minutes. Rad car for £2600 or there abouts there will obviously be some additional costs.
  14. I've looked at RX8's not in a serious way but for a laugh looked at the options. The most fun way seemed to get hold of a blown or non rolling one for cheap, like very cheap £800 and get it trailered to a Rotery specialist who will re-build the engine to various ages for various costs. I think for about £2000 you could have a snarling RX8 with a limited warranty. Seemed like a cool idea and I like the look of the RX8's.
  15. Bear in mind that its designed to be MMO sort of experience. If you came looking for a CoD type game then it will FAIL.
  16. Suits

    370Z Nismo

    Grass is always greener an all that..... Although I have to admit the silver Nismo does look very very good. If I was to Nismo MKI, I'd be hard pressed to chose what colour would be my ideal. They all look great really.
  17. Yeah man, it works. Uses the same sort of pedal response set up as the cruise control cancel.
  18. Cougar Store do servicing do they ?
  19. I did about 25 hours with all three classes during the BETA weekend.
  20. Suits

    370Z Nismo

    Noooo, don't say this, I want an early silver MKI !!!
  21. Yeah, tyres wear down quickly and oil does need to be monitored. Drive it like you want to slay the tyres and it will chew them up pretty quick, as they warm up, they wear down quicker. When it's hot and they're getting low, I do tend to leave the TCS on to make them last a bit longer. I was managing about 8/9 laps of Brands before I was having to come in for a cool down but my tyres were going off well before the oil was reaching limp mode. It was 31 degrees that day though. Oil cooler's are a common mod and I see big value in it, having to spend time in the pits letting your black cool down is a pain but overall its not too bad, as it not only cools the oil but the tyres and yourself also. As a casual track day car it's fine as OEM really. Apart from an ARK GRiP my car is OEM and it's an absolute joy, more grip than you think.
  22. This is the true Halo 5. Bungie wanted to sell to the masses, MS wanted to keep Master Chief locked to their systems. Bungie stepped aside and made the game they wanted to make for the people they wanted to make it for - Everyone. Those procrastinating really missed a beat with the open BETA a few months ago.
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