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Everything posted by Suits

  1. Yeah, that will be the Glass Vault, supposed to be silly hard with some really taxing puzzles in it. You need to be level 26 to get into it though. The first team to finish it, took 15 hours and over 1600 respawns to do it !! Sounds bloody awesome .
  2. Same universe, different time. Apparently. I really like all the lore behind it all.
  3. Sweet. Always handy for those close encounters though hey ??
  4. So far, so good. Very damn good. Love it. Constant headaches in work from staying up way past bedtime in the Crucible.
  5. Suits

    370Z Nismo

    I still had my head in Swindon with all the Honda's .
  6. Suits

    370Z Nismo

    Did. Not. Know. That.
  7. Suits

    370Z Nismo

    Are the Nismo's built in Japan and shipped over then ??
  8. DC5 is ideal but pushing four times the cost of a similar aged EP3 it's not worth it for just a VTEC experience I think.
  9. Nothing wrong with any of the VTEC engines, iVTEC in the K20 does make the crossover smoother and gives better everyday economy but like i said, all being considered and for the cost that you can pick early EP3's up at now, I'd still recommend the K20'd cars first. That's just my opinion though.
  10. If I had to recommend one VTEC motored car to try, it would have to be something with a K20 and not a B18/16 or F20. EP3 CTR will be a absolute hoot, just get some geo done and drive it hard EVERYWHERE, miles of smiles.
  11. Check this out. A printable, scaled PDF, so you can test the sizes of the new iPhones, lol. http://arstechnica.com/apple/2014/09/how-big-is-the-iphone-6-plus-find-out-with-our-handy-paper-template/
  12. Super impressive tech involved in that watch. They look very good too IMO and you know it will be made to an absolute premium quality standard. The hate towards anything Apple is such a boring noise nowadays.
  13. I'd be happy with them to leave the FT sizes to 3 but allow FT's to join up please, or at least wait together in a lobby until a server becomes available for all 6 players to land.
  14. OK, sounds good, Motorline are getting a bit steep.
  15. Suits

    M3 V8 E92

    Best 'Overall' car I've ever been in.
  16. If you go to the dashboard and select Menu on the game, then, Manage Game, you can see what additional content has been installed on that game, as a series of tabs. If your Red Sparrow hasn't installed or downloaded properly it will say there and you can retry it. Then boot up the game, visit the Postmaster, then go into your items and select the red Sparrow from your Tech section.
  17. I've googled that, with the word Nissan next to it and I still have no idea what SLY is.
  18. You've redeemed you code haven't you ?? If you have and it's still not coming through, make sure it's fully downloaded and reboot your Xbox, then try again.
  19. Yes. Once you've redeemed your code go to the Postmaster at the Tower and it'll be there for collection.
  20. Bungie have said that they've done research and that 3 is the optimal number for people partying up and for the mechanics of Destiny. I agree with their research results but it doesn't help me really. I'll see what pans out before I start kicking and screaming after 6 hours play.
  21. Shame it's in Leicester mind. Anyone know of any reputable indie garages around the Essex area ??
  22. Oh yeah, it's great but what's not great is that silence when you all have to decide who gets left out of the Fireteam.
  23. I really hoped that they would increase the Fireteam size or at least give you the opportunity to join two Fireteams together and go on missions. If there's 4 of you playing its an awkward situation. There was 7 of us last night and we had to have two teams of 3 and 1 by them selves, we were on group chat but all experiencing different events on the same mission. Not cool.
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