Ahh, right, yes.
Although I was a bit vague with my response to be fair.
What I was getting at was that if you don't get on with TESO and was looking to that for your next gen RPG fix, you might be better off waiting for Fallout 4, as I don't think they're currently planning a TES SP game.
Didn't know they split the Bethesda crew though, that's cool. Yeah, that sounds about right really regards your money being on those projects. Over the years Fallout I think has stolen my heart from TES, ever so slightly.
Bethesda have also got a hand, not sure to what level and what for, in the new Wolfenstien game, which I am sooooo looking forward too after playing it last year at EGX.
Also didn't know that TESO was developed by Zenimax - It's all starting too make a bit more sense now .