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Everything posted by Suits

  1. I had a chip. Got it fixed. Winter came. Heaters went on. It split. Autoglass replaced the whole screen under the chips warranty. Didn't pay a single penny. Insurance company didn't care, didn't even want to know. Win. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/79684-my-windscreen-had-a-cracking-christmas/
  2. MOAR. That new front end looks great from the teaser pic.
  3. I'm not a fan of the Z burgers on my 370Z either. Looks like it would be rather an expensive job to get rid of them though . Top job on that rear strut.
  4. I'd have thought so. They can only open the GP circuit a certain number of dictated times a year due to the surrounding dwellings. They won't use one of those for a gang of losers and their street Nissans .
  5. Are we adverse to other cars and drivers ?? My mates got a 135i and he'd be up for Brands if we needed to make numbers. He's been doing trackdays for over a decade now racking up loads of Ring, Spa, Brands, etc.. laps so he's pretty much up on track etiquette, if that was a concern.
  6. Yeah man, sessions are lame, OP only. It's the only way to get the best out of your self and your car I reckon. Regular breaks too, only let it all absorb in and give yourself and the car a rest. Also, If this happens at Bedford, I reckon we all rent out the Holiday Inn down the road; 1 - Because I live in Essex and the 5AM alarm call for sign on is crazy 2 - We can get on it
  7. Yes but the argument against that is that you can still buy a PS4 for £350. And that is all that will be remembered, the last bit, and used 100 times over by fanboys and journalists the world over. I think the sole reason to what MS did that was to quash that argument good and for all, they are now both equally priced. One has better games the other has better performance.
  8. I saw a GT2 come off bad at Eau Rouge (left side ), wrote it off I think, as well as a few others. Saw a EP3 roll at Brands down Paddock Hill. Happens loads, I take comfort from the fact thinking that these guys were just pushing toooo hard though.
  9. Great looking car, love the wheels. Regards Japfest - Didn't Top Gear show up too ?? And one of Honda crew ploughed his DC2 into a Jag on the way out at a junction, nasty. I didn't go but heard these things and saw pics of FaceSpace.
  10. Bedford is good fun. Anglesey is the dream though. In.
  11. Looks a good job but I think you're mental for doing that, sorry .
  12. Only FF I played was 7, back in the day on 5 discs on my PS1. I soon realised that JRPG's weren't for me and left them alone. No denying that they are pretty accomplished games mind.
  13. Where as I do appreciate a deep engine, I still do prefer a screamer as an absolute choice. One of the reasons when it came down to it, in which I finally went for the 370Z was the fact that the engine had a bit more legs in it than the 350. R32's sound very nice when pootleing about in town for a V6.
  14. Mate, that awesome :teeth: :teeth: !!!!!
  15. I'm still ripping my díck off in anticipation for Wolfenstien !!
  16. Yeah, as Ekona stated you start larking about on a track day 'drifting' and you'll soon get flagged off. Go to one of the car handling specific car days, they can be expensive but worth it if you want to learn car control with drifting in mind. Hose pipes and S bends with be the order of the day. Oh yeah and tuition, tuition as much as you can get, I always get tuition if I can, you will learn in 30 minutes what you'd learn in 100 laps with tuition.
  17. I love the rasp on a BMW straight 6. So distinct.
  18. Great system, I have the same on my LMB 370Z (burnt tips too). After 1000 miles, it sounds twice as good, with a more pronounced tone throughout the range and I'm still surprised by how good the fitment is to be honest. Why did you cut the burnt tips off though ?? You should have just gone with the SS ones and saved yourself £50 !!
  19. Not the best sound ever but a cool one and a sweet way of showing it off. Makes me smile everytime I hear it, which is nice.
  20. Ahh, right, yes. Although I was a bit vague with my response to be fair. What I was getting at was that if you don't get on with TESO and was looking to that for your next gen RPG fix, you might be better off waiting for Fallout 4, as I don't think they're currently planning a TES SP game. Didn't know they split the Bethesda crew though, that's cool. Yeah, that sounds about right really regards your money being on those projects. Over the years Fallout I think has stolen my heart from TES, ever so slightly. Bethesda have also got a hand, not sure to what level and what for, in the new Wolfenstien game, which I am sooooo looking forward too after playing it last year at EGX. Also didn't know that TESO was developed by Zenimax - It's all starting too make a bit more sense now .
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