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Everything posted by Suits

  1. Really ?? That's odd. Does it show any Xbox One games and achievements ?
  2. I have touch up pens for my LMB. Mixed up especially by Motorline, I'll see if I still have the mixes.
  3. Yeah, looks cool don't it. And that stupid powered Quashaishiahqui. ...aaaannnnndd the new IDX thing !!!
  4. Sweet man, got your message, no problem, will sort tonight .
  5. Beauty is only skin deep.
  6. I have to admit, I know very little about Watch Dogs, not really my cup of tea looking in from the outside but I'll probably end up getting it anyway as there's nothing else in terms of choice at the moment anyway .
  7. VTS owners used to put the 106 GTi box into the Saxo, it was better for some reason, or stronger at least.
  8. Yes, very much in some respects. That too is one of my favorite bargain bucket pick ups !!
  9. So I ordered Wolfenstien pretty much as soon as I was dragged off the demo stand at last years Eurogamer Expo at Earl’s Court. It was by day the best game I played there all day. Firstly, let me just mention that I come form a generation where FPS’s were health based (a figure) not hit count based over a period of time (CoD) and they were predominantly single player focused. With these tow things in mind, you may understand where WS is coming from, it’s not CoD. You’d think that’s obvious but some people are expecting modern warfare 15 or something that is trying to steal it’s thunder. It’s not, it’s trying to be a late 90’s FPS with modern graphics and sound. I bought the Xbox One version, must have played about 5 hours of it last night and it’s very very enjoyable, besides the good looking cut scenes and atmospheric music/sounds, it’s so far playing as the demo did back last year. Three elements of the game that I will just quickly explain that wont give away too much for anyone wanting to pick the game up. Firstly - Secrets; Back to the good old days of rooms behind paintings and secret pathways that sometime lead to treasure or a better/different way of progressing through the levels. Secondly - Stealth or guns blazing; This is great, you can either go all out with dual wielding sub machine guns or creep your way through with knifes, both have, certain perks to the way you do things which in turn unlock certain abilities once you clock up certain milestones, I wont touch too much on that but there is a skill try with abilities to unlock and paths to mould your character in. Thirdly – Generals; Or officers or whatever you want to call them. Each group of Nazi’s or squad, will have a leader, if he is alerted he will call for back up and will continue to do is until he is killed. Kill him first, no back up, kill him stealth and he will also give out some secrets for the areas that he is protecting, very good and adds a great balance to the stealth vs Gun’ho play style. The game also has tales to tell which you have to choose from early on, thus giving a different play through the second time around. Due to the way the games plays out, with sections and areas this all works very well. It’s not the best game ever made, I’m not saying that, but a game doesn’t have to be to be fun or enjoyable and for me it’s a breath of fresh air from the normal action FPS type game.
  10. I've got Wolfenstien, I played about 5 hours of it yesterday, I'll mention it in the 'What game are you playing ?' as it's better placed there really.
  11. My old GTi did this once. On the motorway, it started struggling for air and misfiring, I pulled over opened the bonnet and was greater by smoke from the manifold. Called the AA. He took a look, by now the smoke had stopped and said to try to drive off and he'd follow me home. It my have just been a but of oil or muck. Car ran fine as if nothing happened for another 2 years.
  12. Did they not say something similar about the current UK one though ??
  13. Welcome to the forum . Was LM Blue your first choice of colour ??
  14. ...... and breathe. Adrian Flux have given me the run around in the past also however.
  15. Dream car levels of desire here.
  16. Wow, that's a really good question. I have a 6000 mile a year policy too, like Ekona I've never been asked to prove any mileage or anything however. Like you, I'll drive to track then probably do a fair amount, if not maybe equal to the distance I travel to the circuit in laps. Be interesting to see what the insurers say regards this.
  17. Those Vossens I'm not normally a fan of but they work really well on your roadster, good update .
  18. No. It's the worst feature of the car IMO.
  19. Yeah, I find it a bit big and agricultural. Personally.
  20. Any cutting required by the headlights, like the Stillen G3's need ?? Is the induction noise huge ?? I expect it to be.
  21. Really not a fan of sessions, I'd rather pay a touch more and do a mixed driver track day for an open pit. So sorry, if it's sessions, I'm out .
  22. You see, I wanted the auto but didn't get on the paddles and general system , so went manual, which I find slushy. Unfortunately I was comparing it to my mates 135i DCT system which is silly good.
  23. Suits


    I'm sure it used to be that any modification other than OEM would invalidate everything. However, after the whole servicing reshuffle thing that also affected various car rights and limitations, it was altered so that if a part of the car failed and no, non-OEM parts where attached to it then it was still covered under your consumer rights. If a part of the vehicle failed because there was an aftermarket part directly attached to it, then the failed part was being operated under non agreed standards and the warranty would be void. Although as we all know, it's pretty much always down to the dissection of the garage in question.
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