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Everything posted by Suits

  1. The MKII will look a lot better in few years. They always tend to do so I find, most new cars do. Even more so tuner house cars. FWIW I don't understand why Nissan dropped the BGW from the MKII, maybe for better visibility ?? Not sure but I like the silly wings on tuner cars. FWIW2 both these Nismo editions don't offer enough of a performance increase for me to consider, that's not to say I don't fined them desirable, it's just not enough for me to even consider upgrading at the current costs involved.
  2. Drew. But yeah man, good effort, looks good . Million times better than anything I could ever do !!!
  3. Ha, I only just noticed that they are positioned globally !
  4. My 370Z is a luxury, my toy, a rather expensive one, I'm aware of that. I also have a Fiesta and I work in the city, which I use the stinking train for. If I lose my Nissan, it's a big loss, one I'd not be able to afford to replace but it wouldn't have too much of an impact on my day to day life. I think, because of this and not needing to rely on my Nissan, I find it easier to make these decisions and calculated risks. I'm not trying to defend anything, just trying to validate my decisions a bit more over the obvious risks you correctly point out. Who knows, it may well play on my mind a bit more now .
  5. As of yet, no. It's something I've considered a number of times. More so now that I have the Nissan. I tend to base my decision on the circuit and who it's with, so far with the same outcome every time.
  6. Hopefully it's large enough quality for anyone that wants to use it.
  7. I bought my 370Z specifically for this sort of days fun. I know the bend and it does egg you on to go flat out, if you get the apex right on the way in it really is a quick part of the circuit (maybe the quickest) but if you get it wrong it can be a bit of an eye opener and a bit of a lifter, lol. I just try and drive within myself at all times and try to improve slowly over time, not push the progress, I'm not a race driver. I have to admit, it does go through my mind often about binning it on a track day but to be honest, that sort of adrenaline is kind of all part of the package for me. **Until I bin it at Brands next month
  8. Personally, if i was getting lowering springs fitted I'd get adjustable camber arms/bolts fitted at the same time. Then get my geo done. It's not about driving a crab.
  9. Spoke to a few of my Honda mates for clarity and it appears it is a VTEC Turbo system . http://newsroom.hond...detail/?id=3806
  10. Not familiar with VTEC-E, I only have history/knowledge of classic VTEC and i-VTEC systems but yeah anyones guess at the moment. Honda seem to be alright at coming up with cool ways to produce power and stay in the green zone so who knows.
  11. The test cars had VTEC TURBO written down the side, maybe as troll. Not sure. Honda maybe using a 3 stage system to achieve the power. They can make 160hp form the low lift lobes on the K20 then the extra 40 is achieved from the VTEC high lift lobes. I'd be surprised if they did have both VTEC and turbo as the engine redlines at around 7000rpm, so there would be a lot going on at about 4500rpm regards cam switch and boost coming in. Unless, thats the plan, to switch cams and bring in the boost at the same time until the redline. I don't think a lot is truly know about how it works just yet or the specifics.
  12. Before. Realistically after the 370Z.
  13. Cake, mate, it was you that first showed it to me some time last year and ever since then I knew it was the spoiler for me. It gives the perfect balance to the car for me. That's all I need along with some OEM plash guards and I'm done, aesthetically wise. So yes, you sir, are a bad boy and a good lad all at the same time .
  14. It's gotta be the cost of fuel and tax I think which has the biggest effect. And if you're going to start dropping the sort of figures needed to keep the 370Z on the road you'd probably rather do it for a more illustrious badge, a Porsche maybe. I did my research and understood what I was getting into regards running costs and was happy to splash for that sort of car, I just couldn't afford the machine I really wanted to spend it on, so took a cheaper route and got the Nissan. It still gave me what I wanted and it's not like I'm a better driver than the Nissan offers me, so why not, it's all good fun. The benefit I suppose if there is one, is that it's a more unique/rare car because of it.
  15. Yeah, I don't really understand too much about all that but I'm fairly confidant that that process might clear it up. It could well clear a few little niggles that people have. I like anything with hidden menu's or processes, lol.
  16. Use the LOTS OF WORDS and try a hard reset, it seems pretty thorough.
  17. I can't even remember how much it was on the GB in the first place it was so long ago. Yes, if you can look into this again please mate that would be great .
  18. So it appears there was a problem with Live last night so it took a while to be able to chat to an advisor as they were caught up in other stuff, maybe about a 15/20 minute wait but that was OK, I just kept the window open next to Outlook and carried on working. Long and short is that they want me to do a hard reset of my console before we go and investigate anything else it seems. I'll post the transcript here in case it's helpful to anyone with a similar issue in the future;
  19. Got a problem with my Xbox software/profile. I normally have the setting changed so that I appear offline but I recently changed it so that I do now appear online, mainly so that party invites and game invites are easier to set up by others. Problem is, is that on my system settings and profile it says that I'm online but to everyone else I still appear offline ! It's been like this for over a week now. Anyone had this before ?? I'll probably Tweet Xbox support and see what they say but thought I'd ask here and see if anyone had any ideas.
  20. Lights are very similar to be fair.
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