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Everything posted by Suits

  1. Oh right. We always stay at the Linder Ferienpark, it's just behind the back straight, split the cost of the house between 6 max and it's a breeze, has its now supermarket that delivers to your house from the online ordering system at the door, it's AMAZING.
  2. Yep, same here. I initially though the LED had gone or something, then suddenly forgot about it, until I filled up again and it read one less again. Turning the car off and letting it settle often resolves it, if you're that worried. Must be to do with that fact that you've just poured 70 litres of premium petrol into its tank and the vapour is giving a inaccurate reading or something.
  3. OK, great, thanks. I tend to like my tyres a size wider all-round, two reasons, gives me a bit more curb protection and it looks better I think. I'll look more in to what the cost for a step wider rubber is more closer the time I think and go from there. I'd expect it to be a fair bit more.
  4. Agreed, some better fitting/holding seats would do for me too, I'd have to get Bride's though I think. Although, saying that, these Nismo Edition(still OEM) seats from the eBay advert look interesting.....
  5. This(MPSS) is what I've been thinking I'll go for come Autumn, plus I didn't realise they'd be coming in at that price . What size are those you have Ebized, OEM I'd expect ?
  6. Boom, there's your problem in my eyes.
  7. Cool little write up man . Me and my little gang tend to go to Europe once a year in our cars, we normally stay at the Ring in the new purpose build accommodation houses, then make a day over in Belgium at Spa with a track day there but last year we stayed in Spa, which was a good deal better and made a day at the Ring instead of the normal other way around. Belgium is great, plus, well Spa, what more can be said about it, I recommend it highly if you are already planning next years trip. Also, , this was the first place I sat in a 370Z three years ago and ultimately convinced my self to buy one. How good is the scale model version of the circuit hey ?!
  8. There's probably million people on here that have been doing it to 350Z's since 2003, there's bound to be a guide/info on here somewhere. Research and more research. Always.
  9. I've not done it myself but I've seen plenty with it done and it does neaten the back up a good deal. Yes, semi translucent vinyl will do it, not sure what you have to use to keep it legal mind you. On a dark car (IIRC you're getting a black NISMO) this is very effective.
  10. Smoke it out man, it will look much better.
  11. Never in the last 13/14 years of buying PC's and Mac's have I ever bought an anti virus software or used a free one. Never in the last 13/14 years of using and owning computers have I ever had a virus that has done anything of harm to my computer or me. Not saying they don't exist or that people are fools for buying them - just saying. I've used Grokster, Limewire, BitTorrent, LOADS of porn, games, the lot. Everything any 17 year old would do with a PC, right up until today. Just be careful what you download and use common sense I think.
  12. That's an awesome picture of Brands.
  13. Sorry dude, I don't get you. You liked my question but didn't answer. Your posts suggest that you work there, I also spotted something else about you taking your Mum out one day or something ??
  14. WhackyWill - Do you work at Brands Hatch or something ?
  15. Nope, I'd want it to look just the same as the concept as well as loud and brash.
  16. Managed to set a 7.52:532 (clean) on the Ring last night (B Class) in my NSX. Loads of time to be made up in there too I feel.
  17. "Dude, she looks well fit in the greyhound skirt !" "WUT?" "....you know, greyhound skirt; two inches from the hair."
  18. Yeah, I clocked this have only really seen the 4 minute trailer mind. Still not quite sure about what the general aim of the game is though, is it adventure/defence/RPG. Lionhead used to be based out of Guildford . A Playstation exclusive too if I remember correctly. An exciting time for games at the moment.
  19. Odd, as both those cars have the same engine, gearbox, suspension and many other same parts. Mad what a diff and proper steering does to a car hey !?!
  20. Wow, busy boy. Anglesey will be on my radar very soon I hope, really fancy that for a plethora of reasons. I've got two Brands sessions and maybe a Combe in the Autumn.
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