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Everything posted by Suits

  1. That was hard back in the day. Another World is a lot more simple control wise.
  2. I downloaded "Another World" on the Xbox One the other day for £6. It's the old 1991 adventure puzzle game, almost a prequel o"Flashback" and similar to the classic Prince of Persia style 2D puzzle game. It's had a revamp with remastered sound and graphics, you can simply switch it back to the old graphics by pressing Y though for a nostalgia kick. Love it. I knew what it was all about but missed it the first time around sonly being 6 and being a HUGE fan of "Flashback" as soon as I saw I bought. Hard old school game that takes some thinking and aimlessly wondering . The sense of achievement when you finally work something out is epic, it remind me why I got in games.
  3. I think tonight and tomorrow is the last chance XBL Gold subscribers get Halo:Spartan Assault for free with Games With Gold offer. July's offering then switches to Guacamelee and Max:The Curse of Brotherhood is continued for another month (this is very good )
  4. I thought these would be cool but then spotted how much they weigh and though, meh. 1325kg's.
  5. Yeah man, I've used that 3M tape, works very well. Used it to fix number plates onto bumpers and small low level spoilers onto boot lids. Worked very well and was solid enough. I'd use it again if needed. Never tried to take it off anything mind you.
  6. I swear it is. It's rather liberating too. Plus, not to be forgotten or underestimated is the fact that you won't really give too many hoots about it. So you'll bump it up curbs, park in sight spaces and leave it overnight in town when you decide to stay out. It's so good, I kept it.
  7. I thought the same. After my EP3 then S2000, I drove a 1.4 Fiesta for about 10 months. Did it through from August to May, so it being the winter helped but as I said, when I got my 370Z it made it feel all the more special stepping out of a 'normal' car into something a bit more focussed.
  8. Yeah, between £27-28'000 I was told. Out of interest, how much were you expecting it to be ??
  9. The did a properly good 197 Cup too which was just a more focused version for more serious drivers. Nearly got one.
  10. I'd rater ger something properly economic than a VXR Corsa, one thing will just lead to another and you'll be modding it within a month. If you want to save, get something that will make the car you're saving for feel even more special. I drive a 1.4 Fiesta in the week and drove it in between my S2000 and my 370Z while I saved for it. It's wicked. Keeps your feet on the ground too.
  11. Did some little cleaning jobs on the car today, mainly as I was hungover and just wanted to spend some time cleaning some stuff slowly. Did all the hinges, rubbers, sills and nooks and interior stuff that you sometimes miss overall when giving the car a wash. Anyway, all I used was the AutoGlym interior rubber and vinyl care stuff, came up pretty well. Did the ARC too. I'll give it a proper outside clean on Tuesday I think. (just some iPhone pics)
  12. Yeah, BGW's on a decked, serious, S2000 are insanely good looking, the car has to modded well I feel for it to work as best it can. Your splitter and skirts would make it look great. Cheap OEM low level lip works great, brings a good balance and profile to the car. This was mine just after I installed it.
  13. Nice man, good choice with the white Slipstreams. I had Slipstreams on my S2000 for a time. That's probably the best intake you got there for the S2000 too, I had the same. BGW was on my list until other bits of the car started going wrong and money was spent elsewhere, that left me with getting cheap nasty OEM boot lip for mine for £50 painted. Worked perfectly . Loved my S2000 had to for three years until I sold it and bought the 370Z. Big soft spot for these cars, still look great too for such an old car IMO. Enjoy, I'll enjoy reading your updates .
  14. Probably won't be an issue but make sure the car you're getting has all the GT parts associated with a GT model. Wheels would be the big one.
  15. Yeah, where I used to park at Billericay train station the wonderful tramps that walked the car park in the day, would be kind enough to put business cards and, or flyers on your door windows and tuck them in the window strips to hold theme there. If they put them on the passenger side door and you didn't notice them, when you put your window down they would fall into the door and rattle forever. RAGE. It's all about the weight saving mate, power to weight remember !!!! Na, it's a balance weight for the boot lid, supposed to balance out the weight to make the boot lid pop the correct amount. However, it doesn't work very well and on occasion the boot won't open correctly when you press the button, it juts falls and locks again - rubbish. So by taking the weight out it gives the boot a better chance of opening first time. Cheers .
  16. Yeah it was and I have no idea how on earth it got there. It's a electrical testing thing, I can only guess it was used for something then left on the trim when it was put back on the boot lid. Odd but I'm glad I got the sucker out at last.
  17. Did some mundane jobs today that I've been meaning to do for ages. All associate with the bum of the car. Rear wiper delete. Remove the boot weight. Find the thing that rattles about like crazy in my boot lid on track days. All done. That is all.
  18. YES. Good choice, looking forward to seeing hem on the car .
  19. That looks the absolute nuts in black. Best I've seen I think. The red Nismo stripe on the wing mirror is subtle but effective.
  20. Sweet, sounds really interesting on both account . Keeping it a secret or are you going to say what wheels ???
  21. Yeah yeah, I know the area, around by the BMW M and RS garages !? It amazes me how areas like that can stay quiet around the Ring, it's true though, you can find some quality little places tucked around the place to eat and chill in. If you're doing Spa, I'd say, stay in Spa. We've done three Spa track days now and for the last one we stayed in Spa, as opposed to setting up base at the Ring - It's so much better, loads to do, bars, restaurants, clubs (club) and a Casino !!
  22. Suits

    My First Mod

    Been said to death but will be a constant in the ownership of a 370Z - EXHAUST, change it.
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