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Everything posted by Suits

  1. Ah, valid point, well made. Didn't think of that . I rescind my previous arrangement.
  2. Probably just my 370, just with an oil cooler and sets of tyres. Probably a set of serious coilovers and a personal geo set up. Then spend the other £5000 on track time. Really getting to love my car now.
  3. Good work man, mine left a bit of a mark , but I covered it up with a Fairlady badge anyway. Stick it in the bin !!!
  4. 1400 petrol, 56 plate Fiesta on steelies. Purple too and 5 doors. Knackered AC and make up all over the gaff. Also got a garden spider the size of an old 10p piece living in the wing mirror. Clive. Love that car. We(I) call it 'The Mule'.
  5. Other half's car. Can do nearly 500 miles on a single £45 tank and tyres are £34 each. Awesome thing. Took the Datsun though 8) .
  6. Ahh damn it, I had plenty more laps in me then !!!
  7. I forget but I think at about 135 the car will go into limp mode as the oil is too hot. I hit about 132 on track last month and gave it a few cool down laps without too much of an issue. But yeah, generally, as above, those ranges seem to be what mine sits at when being used normally in warm weather.
  8. I've not had it completely fail on me, although I have a few symptoms of it having issues. Clutch not returning fully at times, resulting in slipping or sometimes just a really small clutch.
  9. Oooo, nasty. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-28362872
  10. Then you WILL be spending near a grand on the Clio then .
  11. Is there a build/progress thread for this 328 anywhere ??
  12. Good information here. Cheers.
  13. Yeah, but isn't this just a daily ?? The whole point of a daily is run it until it drops no ?? Sounds like to me you're looking out for this daily too much and it's becoming a number 2. How long until you get a Fiesta as a daily, use this a 'Track Project' and the Datsun for church bests ?? Just change the pump yourself and leave the rest to chance, they'll probably run for another 50'000 miles anyway.
  14. There was a Uno Turbo at Brands (indy) with us a few weeks ago. Striped, sat low Compomotives and was pwning all, GTR's the lot. It appeared as if it was constantly travelling at at the same speed the entire lap .
  15. Driving to Brean tonight with the Mrs, going camping of sorts. Question is, do we take the 'Mule' Fiesta, or the 370Z. I know, I know, obvious but cost wise it's mental, it will be two tanks in the '70 to get there so, £170+ and one tank in the fiesta, £45 . Passion/comfort vs sense is a swine.
  16. But for the sake of a 10 year old car, just change the pump. They say change all those other parts because of the labour cost but if you're doing it yourself, well it doesn't matter does it. Just my 2p.
  17. I remember the first time I saw one, with side intakes big enough to suck up kittens, no rear seats and thought........DAFUQ, WANT. There's a yellow, phase 2 V6 just over the road from me, he keeps it well and I do look at it often in that 'hot girl over the road' way.
  18. Korr, I test drove the S1 (considerably worse than the S2) and was left totally defaulted by the whole experience, got straight back in my S2000 and left a happier man, I even wanted to like the Clio, that's how much of a let down it was for me. New Clio with a VQ engine would be cool to see though.
  19. Yep, get this quite a lot. Managed to get this on track a few weeks back at Brands. Brought the pedal in a long way though and made for a better gear change in the end . Seriously though, the transmission feel is my biggest issue with the 370Z.
  20. I remember that exact story too . That was a some years back now.
  21. Oh yeah, sorry pal. So it does. Looking at it again I think the other one has more of a loft also.
  22. Cake has the Carbon Signal spoiler on his white '70. It's the one to get if you're keeping the rest of the cars panels and bumpers OEM. Gives perfect balance and better side profile lines IMO.
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