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Everything posted by Suits

  1. Not sure if you have seen but there's a used Nismo one in the for sale section .
  2. Not a sized calliper is it ?? By just random chance it occurred when you removed your strut. Go feel your wheels for heat.
  3. Ha ha, after years of office work I now have fingers as soft as a babies bum too. I did the same running my finger down some under bonnet sound proofing on my S2000. Sort of like; 'Oh look, that looks like blood' 'It is blood' 'Lots of it' 'My blood.'
  4. Apparently, not many base specs get registered, ever. They're simply released for a cheaper OTR price for adverts and the market.
  5. Wonderful mate, sounds exciting. May I ask, what made you go for the 370 Nismo ?
  6. Ah, right got cha. Even that is no real use to me, i just don't need it. If I did anything, I'd put another 8GB of RAM in it I think. Oh and I got it wrong it's a Spring 2012 version.
  7. I'm pretty sure it's already got a 500GB SSD mate, it's a Spring 2011 model.
  8. No idea mate. A friend came round and said that it was the cause of the issue, or rather the fan that supports it. It just clicks and chirps all the time, its pretty annoying. Sounds like a squeaky fan CONSTANTLY.
  9. Sounds like my optical drive is failing in my iMac, Ive got an appointment with the Genius Bar(Dear Lord) on Thursday so they can take a look at it.
  10. So, yeah. You have the Halo world, styles, pace, feel and engine. You then have the Mass Effect feel, for where you have the ability to travel to different planet, land and interact with whatever is there. Then, once you're done you travel back to the Tower, which is like the Citadel in ways. You can level up, sort you gear out, buy, sell, claim rewards, do pretty much whatever you need to do that is a bot impracticable or impossible when out on a mission or explore. Borderlands has the great gun and run on a big landscape element to it, which Destiny has in abundance, no more so than when you're teamed up in a Fireteam and taking on enemies. The damage indicators that come off the targets is an obvious feel and works very well, then the Loot system is very similar also, not so in terms of millions of weapons and drops, less frequent but more purposeful when they do occur. Then you have the 'Gear' which works in a buff way like Skyrim does to suit your class or damage system. Helmets, gauntlets, chest plates, boots, capes and visors. The gear has effect, or rather some of then do, which will buff certain other things, so, for instance, I currently have a set of gauntlets that boost my reload speed when using Scout Rifles. If you use scout rifles, its awesome, if you don't not so much but will still act as armour. Weapons, LOTS. rifles full autos', semi auto's, snipers, Rocket launchers, machine guns, grenades, powers, the lot. Then thou have materials, which I don't know what do yet but you collect them and can do something with them that I've not learnt yet. Then you have your ship, upgrade this to be able to travel further and access farther systems. Then you 'Sparrow', which in essence is a speeder from Star Wars and lets you get about a lot quicker on the larger more open planets. Which of course, is fully customisable and upgradeable. I can go on and on and on but really you should give it a few hours at least while the BETA is still up and free.
  11. Don't let that put you off, otherwise you'll miss out on a perfectly balanced, well paced game, brilliant series. And for me, the best MP experience you can get on a console. Also, since the bright coloured, pink lasered Halo 3, things have gone a lot more mature. Destiny - I could write a lot about this but I won't, I'll simply say its a very deep, very well produced game. For me, it's a combination of; Halo, Mass Effect SP, Borderlands Co-Op campaign and Skyrims weapon and armour system all wound into one mega budget computer game. This is what Halo 5 was supposed to be but Bungie didn't only want Xbox owners to play it band rightly so. MS own the rights to Master Chief and that world, so, Bungie went solo and made something so closely related it may as well be its twin. This game will be huge.
  12. Saw this last night while I was picking up the Chinese take away. Instantly thought about this project. Rota's an all. Wonderful looking car, stunning profile.
  13. Addicted to it. Love it totally. Built two character now, one Hunter, one Warlock and taken them both to the BETA level cap. Hung around last night too as the Moon was unlocked for 2 hours as a public event. Great game.
  14. Yeah man, arch rolling is not as tricky as you may think. This is what they often use.
  15. I misread the question, I suggested just using MY 370Z and spending the rest on it, not buy another one.
  16. Personally, I'd skip them. I don't know enough personality about boosted lumps and they're highly strung beasties that are more likely to develop issues than a tacked NA car. Personally, that's why I don't ever consider them.
  17. Agreed, as a for a track car they will be better alternative than the better to live with daily DC5. That said, they're probably going the same way too. UKDM ones will be the best bet for that. I'd just get a £1500 EP3 though probably with a diff. If, I was going Honda that is.
  18. Agreed, as a for a track car they will be better alternative than the better to live with daily DC5. That said, they're probably going the same way too. UKDM ones will be the best bet for that. I'd just get a £1500 EP3 though probably with a diff.
  19. Thing with 350's is that the consumables are expensive. Tyres & Petrol. Compared to the other 2.L motors you mentioned.
  20. Vossen CV2's The smallest size they do are 19"s I think, otherwise I'd break the bank and get these myself.
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