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Everything posted by Suits

  1. Finish car. Immediately get new car. Start again. I like this, makes good reading .
  2. Sounds like brakes to me mate. Put some heat through them and try to smooth them out with some progressive, firm breaking. I had what seems to be similar sort of issue trying to the Ring once through the mountains. Doing what I suggested sorted it out.
  3. When I was looking for my '70 I wanted either Red or LM Blue. Waited for 6 months, for the correct one to come up, (GT, black leather, no P sensors) and the only one to come up was a blue one. Red is the rarest colour that holds the most value, well that's how it seemed when I was looking for my car 2 years ago. BUY IT.
  4. Uuunnuuurrrgggghhhhh, this happened to me at Brands. £700 Great.
  5. Whats the interior like on these lads ?? I know you get the cool wheel and seats but I also know that the oil cap and rad caps are just OEM pieces. Do you get a Nismo gear knob or anyother Nismo goodies ??
  6. Great to see it all coming together. Really looking forward to hearing what two blowers on this engine sound like out of those pipes. Fantastic work.
  7. Nismo version would be naff anyway, just full of trim and badges. GTi-R version is what it needs.
  8. Gearbox are are still in big trouble over that, SEGA got out with their nose flicked. I think Alien will be good, it's a new genre type that I'm pretty excited about. The Alien world, or more specifically the first initial Alien world and situation is made for it, or should I say the genre is made for Alien really. So far everything I've heard about is positive and encouraging.
  9. Suits

    370Z Nismo

    Yes, I'm sure it would . I do love the wheel though, that would be the first thing I'd pinch for mine.
  10. I find the quality on that port is so bad I just donut bother using it anymore .
  11. Ah ha, yes ! Released the same day as Alien Isolation I think. Which I am getting.
  12. Suits

    370Z Nismo

    Is it wrong that I think my favourite parts are the steering wheel and wing mirror's .
  13. Yes mate, OEM are 275. I still chuckle every time I see them, they look so wide off the car.
  14. New shoes. Went for the slight wider 285's this time, personal preference really. My fronts have plenty of meat left in the and not wanted to run mixed tyres I went for the RE050A's again. Next time all four will need changing (unless I get proper flirty with it) and I'll probably go for the MPSS.
  15. I heard that it was a full on exclusive to Xbox. That was from Eurogamer. Anyone getting Diablo next week ??
  16. Good work fella. Have to agree that spacers really will give it a better look, get those arches filled. Every time I see this colour it get's better I think. I promised myself I wouldn't lower this car but I've been looking at coilovers.
  17. I don't think replacement 370Z RAYS are £250 mind. Not from Nissan anyway. Could be wrong mind.
  18. Few more seeing as though people like them.
  19. Think I blabbed about this to you two at that pub last month but if they offered the saving you get from average trade ins (£10/15 per game) when you bought a digital copy of a game, all my games bar my personal AAA games would be digital. I look forward to that day.
  20. This is the Wide Body Moon Bean car too. Looks fresh and cool. Love the rear spoiler/lip.
  21. The guys over in Dubai at Carbon Signal are knocking out some great looking stuff, check this out..... I think it looks better than the phase 1 Nismo kit it's based on.
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