i would ask to hr owners if they know the existence of ecu firmware upgrade.
'cause three hr z found problems after cleaning throttle body (without move throttle valve). The problems is idle up and down and irregularity at low rpm.
no results with reset
no results with uprev
no results with consult 3
my tuner (uprev dealer) after many attemps obteined a stable idle but our z is not straight.
before stopping the car the rpm rise to 3000 and then down to 1100 when the car is arrest. when shift up at low rpm the rpm rise to 3000, like you forgot to leave clutch pedal
the problem may be located in the ecu not updated.
let me know
sorry for my english
hi guys
i'm Paolo from Italy, i live in Franciacorta... amazing wines!!!!, near Milan. I'm italian nissan gt club admin and here my z:
and here some pics:
nice to meet you