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About mouthwash

  • Birthday June 25

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  1. Sent you a message mate

  2. What an amazing day, turned up really not liking the 32 very much at all (sorry to the guys that had to put up with my grumbling) and left loving it. I then got home and started hating it again as coolant looks to be pissing out of the water pump. Seriously though, great day and I built up so much more confidence with the car and my own ability. At first I didn't even know the limit of the 32 and thought at the limit the 32 would just eat me but I've seen now that I can control it. Really amazing day and the tuition is tight, it's not generic advice it's tailored to your needs and what areas can be improved. Oh yeah, the fan shroud also decided to collapse right at the start of the day... Luckily we managed to wedge it out of the way. Just another thing for the list. 100% going back once I've fixed this sh1t box.
  3. Oh dang, if I still had a 350 I'd 100% be taking them MXR's.
  4. Not sure if there will be much interest in these from the 350z community but they will fit so I thought I'd offer them up. These came on my Skyline when I purchased it so not too sure on their history or anything, due to the fact that they're custom split rims they do not have any stamps on them indicating size so I have had to measure. The stats are believed to be: 18 x 9.5 ET 20 in staggered config (bigger lip at the rear). These sit flush with the arches on my car without any spacers. The front tyres are nearly new Goodyear Eagle F1s (265/35/18) and the rear are Continental something or others that will need replacing soon (265/35/18). Ultimately these wheels will need a refurb which is considered in the price, I will note that the lips have hardly any curbing on. Fronts: Rears: How they looked on my car: Price, I'm looking for £1300 with the tyres. Collection from Worthing, West Sussex. I have nothing to wrap them up in for a courier to collect but happy to have a conversation.
  5. Not many updates to the car so far, it's been to Abbey for a general nose over and small bits and bobs doing. I also got some new wheels which has made the car a lot better imo. Work 11r 17x9 ET17 I think coilovers are next on my list, hopefully before the CAT driver training in July.
  6. I'm happy with the date the group decides but need to know early so we can book the time off.
  7. The 350z one is in Aus, I'm an internet detective: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@-33.87234,150.9373022,3a,75y,179.42h,70.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRSWSZKi4xPkkIS_CJ0ZoQg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
  8. Performance Driver ‘Track’ Day 1 SuperStu – MW or WE - June or July 2 Nissanman312 - WE - July 3 Wasso - WE 4 Will370z - WE 5 Paddy - WE - July 6 Gudzy - MW or WE 7 Beb - WE 8 AndyJames - MW or WE July 9 G1en - MW or WE July 10 Aesti - MW or WE July 11 Mouthwash - MW or WE - June or July 12 Date dependent.
  9. Room for an r32? Sounds awesome. Up for midweek / weekend June or July, on mobile so a little aids to add myself.
  10. Since you sold your Volks I can't imagine you wanting another set of expensive wheels but I'll be putting these up shortly once my new wheels arrive. Panasport G5C: 18x8/9 (I think, Panasport's don't have stamps on them) and ET20ish New goodyear eagle F1s at the front and continental something or other at the back with decent tread left
  11. SSD as well I assume? Did you get a PCI one? Also, 1600mhz RAM??
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