If your wheels are balanced ok. Can sometimes be if one of your alloy wheels are buckled or rear
Wheels out of balance. Normally if it's front balancing it vibrates through the steering wheel. Normally buckled wheels or rear wheels out of balance it shakes the car & can feel it through the seat.
Hollowpoint I've arranged a later meet up for us sleeping beauties that like our rest. lol. So if we are ok to collect the tickets from you on the gate if that's ok?
I've been having this issue for a little while now. Intermittently when braking slowly & coming to a stop at junctions etc I get a rubbing type noise & you can keep it vibrating through the brake pedal as though ABS kicking in. Only happens when generally coming to a stop slowly so don't know what it is? Anyone have any ideas?
Wheels arnt rubbing cause tried my smaller wheels & undertray is all ok etc.
I've not been to Swad Sainsburys today been at work this morning in Burton. I do however live in Swad & have a blue 350Z & often go to Sainsburys, lol, Reg S28 SHP
Sure, that's £52 altogether Luke. I've added your additional ticket Sarah £26 total, and shire350z added £13
I've updated my master list and others where I am able
I've paid my £26. Thanks.