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About Geordielad87

  • Birthday 01/03/1987

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  1. Well after over 2 month of numerous timewasters asking to buy my car she has finally went today Was quite sad to see it go after all the work I put into it but now I'm officially on the look out for a 350z Let the search commence!!
  2. Cheers for the advice. Think the car has sold anyway I find out tomorrow. The lad was going to put it through its MOT for me aswel Apparentky the previous owner was on this forum aswel so I was going to try find if they were still on but no point now.
  3. Thanks mate. I've spoke to the lad who's selling car and asked if its had the cars removed but he doesn't know I'm wondering if I should just turn my back on this car as the last thing I want is hassle. Are the spacers expensive?
  4. I've seen a 350z I really want but the engine management light is on due to it having after market exhaust apparently. Problem is the MOT is due next month will it fail with the engine management light on as I think it will? I've seen the quick fix with peddle dance but this doesn't get rid if completely does it? Thanks in advance Mick
  5. I got a quote last week for a Z £960. Quote this week £1550 Weird! Must be with nice weather they've decided to put price up
  6. Haha I'm glad you tell me these things mate he says the service isn't due until 50,000 so that's good. Reckons he bought it for his mrs but she can't afford to run it. I'm going to look at the STI 1 night this week so see what happens with that.
  7. It's just the wrx but it's the low miles that's really tempting me as its alot more appealing to my 118,000 when I have saved enough money to buy a decent Z I've always wanted 1 like but I've found loads of them and don't know which is best haha There's a locket STI but it's on a 2001 with 90,000 miles but f/s/h or a 2005 with 74,000 and also f/s/h hmmm Going to test drive a few this week I think as the 1 I've been offered is 2 hours away
  8. I've been offered a 2003 Subaru impreza UK model for a straight swap with my Civic. Full Service with 40,000 miles? Thoughts? Cheers
  9. It was previously up for £6250 last month mate but he must if realised he was asking far too much. Thanks for all the advise I'm going to stay clear of it Im in no rush and still need my car for its big boot at moment until new site kicks off and I get van Tine to save some cash
  10. If its the 1 I'm thinking of it was a roadster and out of my price range at £9000 I think
  11. Anybody got these or seen them fitted? I think they would look really smart when dark http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewit ... 5843089212
  12. As Sam says add additional drivers. Add a woman they seem to drop it somehow. I've got my lass and my dad on my policy which drops it by £600!
  13. Hmm I'm going to try find out more about it. How much do you's all think it's actually worth?
  14. Thanks for all the responses. I've asked what work has been done and he says the clutch and timing belt and insists its absolutely immaculate
  15. I personally like the dentist when they put that buffing machine on your teeth it's lush! Spiders are'nt bad but cockroaches arent very nice. Here's comes a story.. I'm a plumber and a few weeks back I had the house I was going to be fitting new barroom In had cockroaches but thought the lads were messing on. Anyway... As I went to rip out old bath I ran the tap (to drain hot water off which took 2 mins or so) But usually there wouldn't be water in bath as the waste pipe should of ran this away but no...the previous owner used the bath as her cats(12) litter tray so it was blocked.. Anyway I started seeing hundreds of things moving in the bath as I was trying to disconnect it which was the cockroaches!! Eventually I bailed the cockroaches, maggots, flys and what ever else was in there out and fitted the new suite but as I was fitting there was LOTS of cockroaches watching me!! It took me 1hr in total to got the full bathroom which im sure has to be a world record haha
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